"Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words" Edgar Allan Poe
"A poem is true if it hangs together. Information points to something else. A poem points to nothing but itself" - E. M. Forster
"Poetry is the art of uniting pleasure with truth" - Samuel Johnson
"To read a poem is to hear it with our eyes; to hear it is to see it with our ears" - Octavio Paz
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We invite Poems from Indian Women, staying in India or abroad. Please see our Terms & Conditions before submitting the Poem.
Please note - If your poems are too short, please submit 4-5 such short poems together, with a common title, for consideration. Very short poems will be deleted. We prefer longer poems.
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Whispers of Rain
In the solitude of the sky,
soft whispering of the rain start.
Droplets dance as a liquid ballet,
They sway within the arms of leaves.
A …
The Dove of letting go
And just before I let go
The last speck of love
I carefully folded it
Tagged it to a dove
I closed my eyes
Remembered all your lies
Then …
Dreams at Slumber
I pick up a dream every night
Again I throw it away....
Just like a chocolate
Eaten in full contentment
And the thrown away wrap into the roadside …
Join Me!
When your heart is filled with darkness,
Can you enjoy the festival of lights?
It's not just about cleaning the house,
it's about illuminating minds! …
No Goodbye is the Best Goodbye
I want to exit your life like a bullet
No goodbye
No shaking hands
No parting smile that lingers
But disappearing, just like that
An apparition …
Sign that damn dotted line
if love and freedom
is the alimony you receive
unchain - unshackle -
run, dear sister
You will meet love again
someone will ruffle that hair
Just Another Love Story
It was an ordinary story
A love story
Just another love story
Yet not like any other.
A story where the sun and moon
Birds and insects …
The Forgotten Friend
Dear friend
I haven't seen you in a while
And don't know if I ever will
So last night
I tried to conjure you in my dream
And talk to …
A Promise To My Daughter
I brought you in earth with my choice.
Destined to update you
with all the colours of the world.
Thought to present you the forest trees …
Do you remember?
Memories are tricky, aren't they?
On the melodious tune of our heart they sway,
Remember that cold night?
When the moon was in our sight shining so …
Home Hurts
In his brow creases he crushes
the sound of my dreams. My dad.
Then he runs to peep in the dark
tank in our terrace. So many holes
yet so full?! …
Happy Hour!
Introduction: Dear Disaster (Covid), you have been enjoying the calamity that you caused but yes, you taught us valuable lessons just like every disaster. …
Breach Of Trust
A dog’s chase ends,
When he finds his share of food.
Food, food, food?
That’s all he yearns for?
No one knows his inner crust,
Even he yearns for …
A man once offered deathless death,
Sadly, he turned into a corpse after his last breath.
He demanded a sacrifice,
And realized he was the one, who …
Calm When One Cycles For The Other
Time warp?
Hail, hail.
Brittle, were they?
Every vestige was to be hidden,
Hidden beneath damp and cold …
The music needed at times is the one with no sound,
Sometimes in the ringing dead silence, we're drowned
Even in the sound of nothing, there is a symphony, …
Divulged Facade
As I laid with my head on the pillow,
Staring at the fiery sun, and the beautiful willow,
With mugged up thoughts crammed inside my mind,
And Lucifer …
A Right for a Wrinkled Face
A beleaguered older once proclaimed -
An elderly being is a worse curse,
Because my Supreme Constitution doesn't recognize my meagre existence.
The Story of an Abandoned Horse
Thought we were best friends
Never anticipated this one ends
I was aware of all your stories
You approximated all my worries
Wholly! They are memories …
I assure you that
I know you're lost.
I was too.
Trying to find a way out
I have stopped believing.
Emotions, Faith, Prayers, God.
All they can do is break your …
The Canoeist
The canoeist that sails to save his life and to master the incubus maneuvers
One has seen, been in a surface blown,
a dream that casts its canoeist …
Is It Fair and Two Other Poems
1. Is It Fair?
Tell me now, how is it fair?
We live not for us but the gasp of air.
No time to gaze the moon and the stars,
Never paid …
The Pandemic and 2 other Poems
The Pandemic
By – Sharanya Shukla
There was a time
In our lives
When we used to go out
And who thought
That one day we all will be locked …
With A Woman 'Strong' Comes Attached
Asked by all, of her sequestered daring
Of how she is consummated
In the gleams of her tranquil sailing,
Her locks augmenting
Like continuous rain …
Bless The Girls Who Are 'Disciplined'
You could've told her the exhilarating stories of
women instead of the preposterous bedtime tales.
You could've told her that penis and vagina are …
'Relations' and other Poems
1. Relations
Relations, they are delicate like thread;
They should not break at all we dread,
Once a breach, takes effort to mend;
Hearts broken, …
The Pearl Girl and 4 Other poems
1. The Pearl Girl
You can find her along the Rocky perimeter of the seashore,
Her eyelashes glinting with silvery mud as she wreathes
Pale, white …
She pours down all that she contains,
She bears more than she can sustain,
And then all her life drains,
But just to see you smile, she stands right …
2 Short Poems
If you want Wealth and prosperity
You'll get all with time,
First make your heart strong
Like the Sun and it's shine.
If …
4 Short Poems
You listened to my stupid talks;
My fears, my anger.
You kissed me out of my pains.
When no one was there to pat me,
You hugged …
Lemonade and 3 Other Poems
By Lipi Sachdev
romanticise, paralyse, decorate me with pretty words,
inside there are worms, my veins are the temple of rust
stay …
Bare and Exposed
Holding your hand
I'll stand in front of you;
Bare and exposed.
Scared and awake.
With my fears trying to reach you,
I won't say a word.
You'll …
Who are you in your SUVs and Sedans
With tinted windows and AC on blast,
To tell us that heat is a natural phenomenon?
That climate …
Heartfelt Poems
By Tanu Dadhich
The raindrops patting the rooftops,
Eagerly waiting for them, were the crops.
There was a long spell …
The Highland of Dreams
The dreams come and go,
But their images stay back on the show.
Blocked by visual imagination,we rarely
Step in the Highland of dreams.
The promiscuous …
Paint me blue and white
I am the seed of light
I am a wind that's wild
I am an orphaned child
They left me nothing to choose
I will never have …
Nurture with Gentle Care!
When I look back at my life,
I feel so blessed.
We were fortunate to be
cherished and nurtured by our dear
and near ones,
who encircled …
Beyond Darkness and Two Other Poems
By Puja Goswami
Once I fell in a pit
which was hundred of meters deep
it was dark inside
darker than the darkest of nights …
She too Had a Father
She too had a father
But her father wasn't great,
His eyes changed towards her
The moment she crossed eight,
His eyes that abused her
Made her …
House full of lights
A big tree shining bright
Snow all over the place
Everyone wrapped up in winter wear
Drinking cocoa and egg nog
Running to gift …
Ode to My Child
It was a sun kissed day in spring,
A joy that I had never known
My heart as though, would burst to sing!
The world was all my very own
The first …
The TomBoy Rap
I was a tom boy I was cute and fat,
I broke the rules of sobriety everytime I sat,
I was strong and brave I could beat up boys,
I never played with …
Kalahandi Poems
The red earth is so red.
The women
are strong-boned, with bones
that stick to their muscles
their brown dark brown, I would say earth- …
I Saw Someone Die
I saw someone die
It was a person
It was a dream
It was a hope
He was sitting in his room
on a Sunday afternoon..
I don't know what struck his …
Just Leave Me Alone
I am a woman
Just leave me alone,
If you find me stubborn
Just leave me alone
I walked out of my marriage
Just leave me alone
I got a miscarriage …
Tomorrow and Two Other Poems
By Caroline Kavitha David
That simple memory I bid goodbye,
To those lovely moments I say farewell.
To those wooing words, let me applaud …
Broken Wings and Two Other Poems
By Caroline Kavitha David
Sometimes you suffocate so hard,
The abundant presence of air offers no part .
Just the existance of …
Life will be Life and Two other Poems
1. Life will be life!
There is no guarantee,
this life will be easy
Time may be tough,
Relations may be rough
When you think, why?
When no …
Let Me Be Me
I was dictated to be another person
Each day, each time.
Accused, by my flaws
I was puckered up.
Distancing from my own soul,
Leaving behind my peculiarities, …
Many a times I feared
That to be in solitary
Is to feel more like hell,
Is as solemn as death,
And as black as evil.
Mind in solitude turns
Topsy-turvy …
Pen-friends for Life
To my dear pen-friend, whom I've never met..
You are someone I thought I'd never get..
We might never have seen eye to eye.. (well, literally)
"Train-friends …
Rainbow Bites
I fly,
Into the sky,
And touch something,
Shaped half-ring,
A soothing feel, prompted tasting,
My tastebuds started licking that cassata-like ring, …
I am a River
I am a river I keep flowing
The Wind above keeps blowing
I roar wild I keep slowing
I am a river I keep flowing
Banks and Cities are left behind …
A Little Daydreamer
When the sun shall burn scarlet
When the stars shine to the brightest.
When the daisies replace the roses
Or when the breeze may turn poses..
This …
Come December
Come December come with all memories of the passing year
Joyous or sad, burdened or glad all that happened far or near
Each month though bear a flavour …
Raja, Subhash and Dinu are sure in a joyous thrall
As the crowd gathered thick at the eve of festival
Three of them have bunch of balloons in their hands …
Hope and 3 Other Poems
Intelligentsia elucidate hope
From experiences in life and their perspectives.
It is not all-embracing;
It is not a universal law.
Metamorphosis and Loneliness
Three days and two nights, she has spent without food
There she stands alone, in a distressing mood,
Thrown away from her family, separated from all …
Sometime I wish to become happy without you,
But it will not happen I knew,
When you deceive me my heart stand in the queue,
To delete someone whom …
The Four Little Kids
The four little kids who played in vein,
With gadgets of scrap just near the drain,
They played a tune like a band,
A symphonic orchestra took its …
My Parents
I say no sometimes I tell them I can’t,
My parents never feel bad my happiness is all they want,
When I tell them 'am busy they always smile,
I might …
Tiny Musings
1) Rise up gal
Because broken pieces are precious
And you can stitch
A new patchwork of dreams
In a night’s slumber.
Because somewhere around …
The Sundays
Never been the Sundays so joyful to me
When I used to take you to your favorite park
And pleased myself just to watch you grow
Bit by bit...part by …
The sun will no longer bathe the room with its golden grace.
It will settle on my skin, warm my cold bones and burn the cloth
that blindfolds the …
Life's Challenges
Have you ever looked at the world around you?
The edges, the curves and the beauty too?
Have you see the sky at three?
The starts, the moon, and you …
Ba Ba Black Sheep
Ba Ba black sheep
You work hard like a mule,
For some time darling why don't you sit by the pool,
Why not for a moment do you Forget all your wool, …
The Hamster Wheel
The leaves rustle...
Gentle breeze tickle my face,
Flowers paint a mystical scene,
The birds chime now and then
Nature weaves music in colours!
Recipe of Life
Does life have a recipe?
If it did,
I am sure
All of us would love to cook!
We would add gallons of happiness
Big Scoops of laughter
Sprinkle it …
Shall I Quit?
Shall I quit? with the brimming sea full of tears and taunts and injustices …
A scream originates from the forbidden
closets of my soul,
but muffled up in my brain before
it reaches my lips.
Finally, what comes out is a gush …
The Quiet Voice
softly treading over fallen leaves
Crunch beneath your broken feet
Guides you past the broken trees
She holds your hand, tightly.
Finger on her rosebud …
Destiny's Mystery
I watched the rain soak the ground..
The eerie silence in spite of the pouring sound !!
The earth seemed so much in elation..
Each drop of water, got …
He brought unbridled joy
To her fabric of paradise
He was a man of virtue and vice.
With eyes that claimed deceit
Howbeit to her heart it deemed …
The Sinful Seductress
I grew up reading poetry of various kinds, by various poets. Lord Byron's "She Walks In Beauty" has captivated me for many years. And I just wished to …
While Nature Brings You to Me
I can see you,
When the aurora let the dews shine,
Dispenses the elegance and charm divine,
And also while I go for a holy shrine,
And can see you …
Shimmers in the Odds
The golden shades of the rising sun
on the white foam of the wild sea.
The dark blue horizons of the sky
merging into the misty blue of the ocean.
The Journey of a Wolf
When I was left with no support,
when I was left with no money,
When I was left with pain and sufferings, …
The scent of your hair, I Inhale today
To me it seems as roses and daffodils in May
It reaches a year or so you have left
To me it seems decades or …
My Dream Birthday
My lover gives me a ring,
My friends dance around,
I cut the cake and celebrate ,
My perfect twenty fifth birthday!!
With Windchimes all-around, …
Overabundance of Books in Market
On the turn,
I've found
an overabundance of books
in the market !
I've heard .......
There characters are being sold -
in some relations,
in some …
Easy like the wind
Dry as we may be;
Piercing the bubble of hypocrisy
We rule the world.
They say 'think before you speak'
And also classify …
The First Day
Is it your first day or mine?
it is hard to say, for before this day,
all you did was play, play, play.
In hunger, anger, sleep and fright
all you …
Caged Hope
Two love birds, sitting sad in the cage
Viewing the life on every single page
They are all the same for the one in jail
But they try to see the …
When the Pen refuses
Everything was fine
until that morning,
almost a month ago.
Neither did I bother
nor did I neglect.
I let it go, now it’s gone
Not forever, I wish. …
A Room of Silver
There you are
peeping into my crescent shaped window,
I smile as your sparkling silvery rays meet my sleepy eyes,
Forever beguile by your mesmerising …
You Can See Me
Crimson skies or crystal blue,
Between white puffy clouds
And ribbons of dazzling sunshine
I know you are out there
I know you are mine.
In the …
Anger The Antagonist
Anger makes me jittery
Makes me lose my mind
I've no clue when I've become
A person so unkind
Nothing do I care about
Nothing's worth a dime
Now …
For I love you still...
My Grandma suffered with Dementia. My Grandfather did the most wonderful job of looking after her, and cared for her until it became too much. I penned …
Mystical Love !
Love is a feeling hard to explain
Makes us do things from what we refrain
It stands pure, there is no place for stain
Mystical it is, just like the …
Bandoghat-The village of Bandyopadhyays
I had a hut in my ancestral village,
Where I chased the kites in the sky,
The morning came,then evening and dusk,
But the birds chirping continued …
Worthy of You
There are songs of stars and pictures of worlds
Far afar , there is music and dreams
and all the confessions the heart would sing
Testaments of lovers …
The Poetry of Soul
Science, facts, numbers; art, beauty, senses;
Codes, conventions, restraints and the forbidden;
Flattering words, kisses, bitter looks, the sword,
Fancies …
"I am not ten!"
I thought to myself.
As she softly patted my back.
'It is OK."
Of course it wasn't.
But shutting down my sarcastic snort,
she kept …
Three Poems
I am not whirling away
from my quite grief
i embrace my grief
in all heartiness
each morning,
every night
when the …
They continue to troop,
plodding through twists
As hordes of disparate entities
Coffee black faces, adults with uplifted brown hair
women clutching …
Tangential Brilliance
The caravan of children
took to historic exploits
roving forests, hills, mountains, oceans
knowing the cities, metropolis, monuments
mapping out unending …
Resolve of Life
Makes one reflect
On the blinded resolve of life
To weather or wither
To move on or breach, with fairness or fervor
Entails and perceives one to retreat …
My Books and I
Every morning, my books give me a strange glare,
Their sharp piercing looks, I no longer can bear.
Covered in brown covers with stickers that has my …
A Woman to Empower
The subject of equal rights is taboeed,
In a state where women are statued.
A ray of hope which we suffice on,
The Sons are favourties when a girl is …
It's a trend I have noticed recently.
Travelling in trains, on roads, and streets.
Whether the light is bright or blooming red.
Yes,I have noticed …
Four Poems
When the Sun
sinks into the Sea,
and the grains
of sand under my feet
swiftly drift
into water with the waves,
I feel …
No Other
I allowed you inside me like I allowed no other,
Formless and shapeless within and without me,
Now, you slide through between these reluctant wilting …
Laughing Mosquitoes
Fortune’s drums are now beat for tunes
Singers then danced for drinking blood
Guruji asked them to get more trained
Even flying and biting need …
And such is fate
And such is fate, as one could have it
As a night would follow the day untiringly
And so would I you, for love, admiringly
There’s is no sunshine without …
Tick tock tick tock tick tock
The world keeps whirling, and twisting and turning
And I keep waiting, and waiting and waiting...
After sundown, …
The Charade of Masked Friends
I lived, once upon a time.
Then, sorrow was a crime.
Happiness was found in the mundane
And incapable I was, of feeling pain.
All my friends stood …
The Soul of Celebrations
No more noise around.
The dusts have settled aground.
The year has come around.
Your wishes are still as sound
The sweets have left my tastes. …
Falling Apart
With every word of thought I spoke
The pearl droplets came rushing down
Tracing their path through the pale skin
Leaving an expression of frown
I asked …
I wish I had a Voice
Amidst fast running world full of noise
when I hear screams of miserable plight
I wish I too had a voice
Simple, Docile submissive I may appear
Dominating,authorita …
The Balloon Seller
To one side of the road, grey buildings lie
To the other, concrete factories high
Reaching toward the smoky sky
Except for cars, the streets are …
A Morning Walk
After a decade long sleep
And blessed at the dawn.
Ah! The first flight
Of the aroma of the soil
That bathe me
From tip to toe.
Message of Saraswati
“Writer struggling, hear me clearly,
Sweat of brain yours yes,
But gift of brain mine “
Says so Saraswati, our ‘MOTHER DIVINE !’
“Each …
Hark, is it not our Krishna’s flutlet?
Is it not the magic wand- Oh Radha,
Whence flows the nectar limpid,
Glances cupid,
Enticing old and young? …
Shower of Life
Here falls the rain;
the shower of life-
straight on my downcast heart.
It erases lethargy, downpours energy.
Binds me together with the earth, …
The delinquent- The making of a rapist
Is the society and upbringing also to be blamed?
Since he opened his eyes, the world was dark,
On his reason it made a mark,
He beheld his sire, …
Request of Oldage
If offer you must, a present,
Dear youth, before we separate,
Then give, I request,
A bottle, just a small bottle
Of scent sealed. …
Today morning
I saw her silently watch the children
Walk to the school nearby;
She remained muted when
the parrot sung the well trained tune
- the …
Every man is Icarus (Sonnet)
In the realm of emulation, the sun is his only gaze;
His myopic eyes ever surmise the fare to bliss.
The purlieus mirth is hazy, the sky he longs to …
While the knell waited..
If life is tranquil, joy at peak,
Nemesis would lurk, to make it bleak;
Such was my ship, sailing calm at sea;
It hit a berg; they found a tumor …
I Thank God
I Thank God
God has a big heart
Which he will never part
He does good
Like provides food
If we are bad
He makes us sad
If your heart is large …
A widow
White saree,
knot has opened up,
Loose end fanning its fang-
Is now free.
I see in mirror-
A face of you,
And beside you is blank me,
Staring …
Ah! Arises the sweltering sun,
To assay the vigor of one.
Farmers plow fields in turn sow seeds
That shall repay their deeds greatly.
Flowers …
On that day of Carnage
Blood gushed
Out of bogies bearing
Young lives bright
This is a pretty Earth
From the time of our birth
But now we are making it bad
So now it is feeling sad
It is turning from green to brown
So …
Optimizing Booster ( Nature)
Up the hill in a lonely place,
climbing the rocks in a medium pace,
through the plains with a miraculous strain,
excited of the unseen way!
Just a thought!
The ocean silent, rumbling or cursed
The harbor docked to its capacity
The kites flying undisturbed or destroyed
The setting sun or its rise;
Celebrating Life
Though they see not
These dedicated efforts.
Though they hear not
Silence does matter.
Though they feel not
Warm heart beats
And their youthful …
Song of Mad Cap
I am the empress of all I survey
I care a hang for the worldly sway
I wrap myself in smiling dress
I wear not the weight and stress
Unknown …
My Lotus
The sour glances
The biting words
Piercing the core of the heart
As the spiky feet crumble
a tender butterfly
to squeeze the last drop
of juice …
Dreams began to wane
as she faced distress
and she proclaimed
there were lots to express.
Physical tortures
day in and day out,
character …
What If
I imagine you flying in the sky
Riding pillion with a hippie guy
A yelping poodle by your side
You go whirring through cloud and creek.
An empty …
Juvenile Revelations
When days pass by like the creeping snails,
I have realized that I am no more happier.
I tried like trekking a mountain to build this much relation, …
You say you came to my home
Wrapped in your trousseau
- With a suitcase full …
This is my Mind
This is my mind!
Like a snake with its hood held high
Dancing the tail down to the dark
Fathoming the under world,
With green wrapping green …
The Unique Sojourn
Through my hawkish vision
I look back at my mission
The might of the tortuous choice
In the large labyrinth, shattering my poise
Though there …
The Woman!
Eyes drenched in emotional turbulence,
Veiled beneath a tormented mount;
Mind tied in delusion and distraught
A heart that beats endlessly …
A Life Within ...
Day I knew your presence in me
You became an inseparable part of my world
Your image when in my womb
Gave me a new reason to live
Your heart, when …
Questions So
“Did I hear you rant
And storm out
Cursing the report, Mom!
My very dear Mom?
If so, …
Cute Little Girl
I waited, I saw, I liked
my grand daughter.
She came with a glow
in her face,
in swift walking
with her tiny feet,
with loads and …
Pieces Of Me
Wall full of crumpled paint,
No help from words of saint.
Mind Dumped with all trash,
No space left -
Shut and fit into a case.
Heart pumps and …
Truth is ugly
Truth is ugly
The storm behind the calm
Is the bitter- sweet experience.
Hopelessly hopeful of some hope
Sad tears and happy tears
In multi- faced …
My Journey
My mind is a blank canvas now!!
My soul lost its aura
My body refused to raise
I’m placed in the middle of a room with ashes around
Lamps …
In one corner of my room,
That is shaped like a tomb,
There is a window, where I sit
And see my world through it.
I see the rising sun,
Arise Kalidasa.....Arise..
Flowers in the air,
Thoughts in the stream,.
Mingle with the breeze
Floating in the boat of spring………….
Champak, Mallik, …
Shadow By The Door
I saw the shadow
By the door;
Opening the door,
Saw none,
The shadow,
It was still there,
“Our limbs are being torn apart,
Not a minute longer
Can we bear the pain ! ” …
Live Canvas
Blank walls stare incessantly
Whitewashed walls, absorb sanity
Into taverns of life's journey
Passing moments drop nibbles.
Oceans and breezy moments …
The true mistakes
Mistakes are known to be one among,
But it extends as there are many along.
On the way, meets the sorrow, anger, fight…
And lasts till death. …
Nothing is impossible
The scream was loud,
And the surrounding was like cloud.
I stretched my arms and wailed
To stop the rituals for unknown.
Besides sat, a dried-raisin-like …
My eyes stared on the fluttering pages
As it moved like a rainbow.
As I strained my eyes, shrinking my brows,
I saw many scribbles, which …
And the hoary heads combine
To shake their hands in censure
The lips part
And the river of words flow
Implicating, ceaselessly…
Their eyes wells …
Message of the Year Gone
Surfaces from tomb of yesterdays,
And file past
"Did we not give
Our best years of …
The Jubilee Park
Oh statue so lone and proud,
With the golden cloud blessing brow,
Colourful lights shimmering as halo,
Look down once more as of yore,
Even To Odd
Years go and Years come
time and space may not yet realize them,
Its we who peruse on to the events of some
and yet to pursue where the few goodness …
Damini-the lightning
A tribute to the Delhi bus gang rape victim (May god rest her soul in peace...!)
The simple young girl
How ordinary she was
With dreams in heart …
Enigmatic codes
for sweet success
are not always
available to access
Neither inviting
nor so easy
To either decipher
or to foresee …
Tartan tale
Tartan Tale
The museum of history
The castle, the monarchy
The kings, queens
The Duchess and Duke
Fairy tales, fable lore
Drive into the centuries …
The Glen
The glen stares incessantly
At the valley and the mountain
The high ranges and capped visitors
Feeding hungry travelers and stray revelers.
Driving …
The Temple of Yore - Belur
On moon-lit nights,swans snow-white,
Flit across the sky,
Blue beyond sight………
Human sight.
Racing through rays of moon,
For you, Clare
Sometimes on, sometimes off
she cannot remain away from poetry for long
The enchanting damsel sometimes and
A captain from ruins of history at other …
Journey, a trip taken together by you and me
Though the momentum of time seeped by quick -
In a steadfast haze, I remain
Moments lingered stand by …
Krishna's Final Journey
Beckoned by Heaven
After my sojourn
As Krishna on earth,
I stopped still. . . . . midway
Powerless to cross the place…….
The Sunset
The sunset this evening
looks a little different
with the horizon seeming
far away
and more distant than it is
the orange hues spluttered across …
Darkness and Light
The light from the lantern
filling my
entire room
almost seems like a flood
of brightness that
just stopped by my door
for it has been vacant …
Love Life Again
A flip of eyes
another degree of view
a ray of sun
a tint of joy
a touch of bliss
the fragrance of life
Put it all mix it well
spray …
Void, the emptiness of life
United; yet apart
The leaves fall timelessly… I wander about
Not considering the crowd
Absurd; it may seem…
For I’m a social animal. Atleast considered …
How Do I...
She sits by edge of the sea
Drawing circles in the sand
Blowing wishes in the wind
Hoping that this day will never end
Keeping the sunlight …
Still Ink
I woke up in a pool of blood
Or so I thought it was
It was just a pool of ink
That soaked my silken gown
From my pen that lay …
A Kinder Heart
To a friend with a kinder heart
Whose sweet thoughts never leave my side
On this earth or when my time comes
To flee this land and be above all …
Dust of Love
Our eyes and paths have met once more
The fire was ignited deep within
But not enough to rekindle what was lost
Even in my dreams it was not …
I am The Victor, I am the Light.
Crucial is my firm determination
For resounding victories;
I won't retreat, I won't give up
With a firm resolve I seek,
My new found challenges …
My April
Fiction eludes
And sleep deludes me
Of a thousand dreams seen
On my pillow
A nine hundred were of
Grotesque, cold war
And of countries, and people …
We have lived and loved
Together through many
Changing years...
We have shared
Each other's gladness
And wept each other's tears... …
Unopened Bottle
In a darken days like this
When frost eternally adheres
On the withered leaves of
The season past; now gone
I yearn to reach for that
Unopened …
In Times Like This...
In times like this
When the sun settled low
Amongst the curtains of clouds.
When the sky is lighted
With radiant scorching
Glow of reddish …
The House I Grew Up In
lies the window
in this forsaken lane
all I miss is your presence
in the house
I grew up in
the house is long sold
but whenever I pass this …
What Matters Most
A song I would sing to thee
Under the shades of the night sky
While I gaze at the solitary star
Thinking only of you...
Of a love so real- …
Vacant Life This Monsoon
(this poem won the second prize in the Golden Quill Monsoon Writing Contest last year)
i miss her presence and the sound of her feet
Indian Lovers
Deep in the midnight
When the owl whooped
With the tweeting of the grasshopper
The two Indian lovers ran
Seeing back after every yard
Grasping …
Lost Words...
Do I think of thee?
Or it's just the falling rain that reminds me of you
And of days long gone
Is it the falling rain?
Or it's just …
She shows me stars and moon in the sky
On her lap, I lay feeling tender and calm
Patting my back, singing me lullabies
She kisses me on my forehead …
Time Forgets
There are no birds chirping
Only the soft sighs of the morning air
And the sound of the rustling leaves
No sun to light the sky
Only those luminous …
Such a Fool is a World Around Me
My face, a mask of the turmoil within
A mask hiding all of my pain inside
Not allowing a single revelation to surface
But it all doesn't matter besides …
The Loss Of a King
The open field welcomed us
The fresh air hugged us
The rising sun spread its aura
A smile spread amongst the entire flora
Along with me were seen
That Day I Died
When the world around me
No more desired my company
When my broken, shattered heart
Wailed and cried aloud
But no one to comfort
Came to me no consoling …
The View
The wind invites such thoughts of joy
The scenes I see such pleasure
Sitting here watching the world pass by below
I can’t help but simply smile for …
But not...
Thanks for being so kind and generous
Thanks for the affectionate pat and a hug
Thanks for the countless time spent with me
The rain may pour nonstop,drench …
There is Pain and Yet There is Joy
There is thorn on every rose stem
Yet there is beauty in its petals
There is happiness in being with loved ones
Yet there is sorrow in parting with …
Extremities of Life
Tears spill out emptying the heart,
Sigh soothening the soul in solitude,
Prayer lightening the burden,
There seems to be no end.
To this continual …
What should I do now..
Where am I now
What should I do now...
nor am i there ... or am i there?
feeling the pain of
bleeding the veins
loosing my loved ones
missing my cared ones
am …
In Solitude
I sit here alone to have a glimpse of those tiny flower
That grew on the ledge of this rocky hillside
So precariously placed
Yet so vibrant …
Let this One Be The Last
Curses from the heavens do not mean much
for neither do I owe or gain from these as such
Sins I do, may last for ages …
The Unspoken Words of Silence...
Like the spark of fire, lurking in the chest of the sea…
Deep was the desire, buried within the fathoms of me…
Lost in existence, until unearthed by …
Just Goodnight...
With one swift my love...
I shall hold thy weeping heart close to me
The distance might be unbearable
But at night as you glance in the …
The Rain
The smell of rain upon the earth
Stops me on these stairs
Inviting me to stand and stare
On the reflections I so care!
I sit down slowly, on these …
Flavour of the Month
Yes, I know...
The flavor of the month thing,
It comes and goes just like autumn turns to winter...
Or as the sun sets not East but West.
A Stranger Are You Now?
Yes, it's you...
I think of as I rise and see the morning sun
Seeping through this curtain I made not so long ago
Thoughts of you fills my mind …
A Mother's Pride!
I could hold you in my arms for all of my life, I could see you smile all the while.
Your constant chatter could be my sweetest song, Your confident stride …
Strings of Clouds
How I wish I could fly amongst the flock of royal birds in the skies,
(Subtle smiles of serenity)
Frozen memories, unclaimed by time...
Unheard melodies, ringing in my mind...
Words are light, but feelings deep... …
Sands of Time
(Sahara caged within an hourglass...)
It mirrors what I'm feeling inside,
New ideas that became old and stale.
Luminous spirits that …
Mother, the Goddess on Earth
she is the moulder,she is the holder,
she is the creator and the world`s best teacher...
she is so gentle,she is so caring...
she is my mom and my darling.... …
All Alone Tonight
tonight the stars are not up in the sky,
that`s why the lonely stars want to cry...
i`m lying on the ground all alone,
thinking about you and staring …
Evening Encounter
It was late evening.
The weather was beautiful outside, with slight breeze flowing.
I looked outside my window.
It was quite dark, with the exception …
Face of the Year-Part 4
Return to Part 3
Face of the year - Part 4
She went back into the room,
Picked up the phone,
Spoke to her banker,
Made changes in her …
The Killed Innocence -
(A Poem on Child abuse)
I am a happy child
With a wonderful smile
I get good grades
The teacher's apple-pie
My mummy loves me
My daddy alike
But when my uncle loves me …
Rains are dropping far and few,
making my heart look for the dew.
Beautiful is a small word to say,
This lovely rain takes my breath away. …
In Conversation With Myself
It's night again
My day begins
Writing notes in diaries
Sharing pleasant things.
My heart is young
Alone I stand
With the wrap of
Solitude all …
The Land of people.
The back waters of Kerala does not call me any more
The valleys of Nilgiris does not attract me any more.
The snows of the alps does not entice me …
The Girl Child
Oh Woman, Do not shed tears for the unborn child.
Just because it is feminine.
Her innocent face and her smiling lips is
surely a gift from Paradise …
We walked together,
Moist grasses, lush meadows;
Till you vanished, my maiden,
In the cavern of abysmal gloom.
And then as my silences, my cries …
Cast Away
Hundred miles far off I am afraid,
That she might be once again
In my room of scented memories.
Maybe she is listening to
The clatter of raindrops …
She Sang Spring
(A Short Story in Verse)
She sang spring while I saw winter in the shadows of her eyes
I stooped low to croon into her ears 'Everything's gonna be fine, y'know?'
Her cheeks glowed …
Until We Meet...
To the wind---I give you my final breath
For I've stayed in this earth for too long
My mortal self weary and shriveled
But not my heart nor my …
The Deception
She drew a beckoning line bordering the lashes,
Picked up the long, dark stem
With the wet, silken bristles at the end
Stroked lovingly the …
My Shining World
I'm not satisfied with
Just a cattage below,
With a little silver
And a little gold.
With my own transformation
Humanity will shine.
I want a golden …
Women Power
Women Power
None can compete us
None can defeat us
We stand united
Heart to heart
Mind to mind
Even in troubled times.
It's a fascinating …
I Trust You My Heart!
"I Trust You My Heart!"
I just keep trusting my heart
As I walk along;
I just keep trusting my heart
For it gives me a song of life.
Though …
The Flames
The flames come licking at her face as she pushes it out of her mother-in-law’s grasp.
A scorched tuft singeing her nose and the sound …
Just Some Memories
Your words float like the smoke from my coffee cup
Singing my face and fingers
Till I feel them scorching my nail tips.
Only it is not you …
The Rainy Street
Lush green grass at the end of the road
is visible from the window I see
the lonely raindrops gather at the
pane of my window
as to assemble …
Head and Heart
On a rainy day
I passed by the window pane in my way
Which compelled me to think
And not to avoid it,
This time——
Just like I run away from it everytime. …
Calcutta and Another Poem
By Jit Bhattacharya
How..... to what pulls you, this city
through its veins, through its roots
spread, grown chaotic
its …
Personal and Narrative Poems
The House
Dilapidated and tumbled down,
In ruins it stood:
Upholding its decrepit state and decaying memory
That wears out slowly with time.
Shame and Other Poems
By Rohini Kottu
Whose shame is it? We all know.
Yet, the sinner is free to go.
Amongst silent murmurs and whispers,
Her soul glisters. …
How Will I and other Poems
How can you be my soul love
if you do not see my love,
or my efforts
to understand you?
How can you freeze your mind with a
magic wand, forget …
Forgive and Forget
It's hard to let go,
of the past long forgotten.
When the seeds of mistakes we sow,
the tree grows tall, very often.
To err is human,
this is what …
It's a New Year
I have been walking...
For years now
Not tired
Neither bored
Not that interested
Nor engrossed
Just feeling my feet...
They have taken …
Love At First Sight
Got up in the morning and went for a run Thinking about all the works and having some fun. A walk back home was same old-same old But my thoughts asked …
I started writing this poem, inspired by a few lines of a poem in Vladimir Nabokov's 'Lolita'. I sought to write about a meteor (or a shooting star). …
War and Peace
I see the black, I see the dark,
Not a single light's mark,
No skies seem visible nor the seas,
In this smoke of war and no peace.
A human Soul …
When Became Darkness Visible
That day when I had your glance,
Heart skipped a beat and veins commenced to dance,
love paved a way from eye to heart,
A tantalizing story which was …
Waiting and waiting for countless moments,
How long can't perceive or can't bother to measure,
It strangles my breath and ceases my life,
Despite all …
The Box
I peer into the box
That contains scissors, pen, paper, glue
It all looks so neat that I can't help but smile
Yet I want to take out the contents
Write …
It Is Only You
I took a pen and started to think,
What words will fill this white paper with ink.
The thoughts which has madden my mind,
How to give them words I can't …
The Dark Day and two other Poems
The Dark Day
When he needs
I spend my eyes
I spend my laugh
I spend my color
I spend my soul
I spend my life
Then, I spend my dark for the first …
The Last Sight and Two Other Poems
The Last Sight
Wish all lights will soon be dim,
And only the moon to cast it's beam,
And quicken the arrival of my dream..
O dream don't be broken!! …
Oh dear little thing where are you,
for I cannot see you any longer,
I miss the sweetness of your chirpy little voice,
and your flying around all …
She Just Isn't Smart Enough
She wasn’t ever the geeky type, home science fascinated her.
She was the perfect homely girl, a happy marriage awaited her.
Today she cooks, she cleans, …
Who Walks With Me
Silent nights, the world so calm
And heart in despair.
Somebody peeps from above
On our lives with care?
We are fish in the sea.
We are dust on …
Small Town
A woman behind the glass of smoke-
Is she is on dope?
Seamed in her svelte dress,
No one could tell she is a mess.
Clinging to a skeletal hope, …
Anything but Man!!!
“They know that it’s an eerie squall,
That man unleashed to beckon his fall!”
In their larder while piling grain,
Speak two ants in arcane: …
A lonely walk, on a Rainy day
I walked down the road,
Big drops splattering hard on my back,
The rain lashed ferociously,
I moved on, hunched up but determined
Alone on the wet …
A Twinkle in the Wrinkle
Sixty odd years, more than half of it as man and wife...
Decades of trying to understand what is Life...
From then to now, many an experience to share... …
My Tragedy
My tragedy is not worth your time.
It lacks the finese and polish of a 'real' tragedy.
No Grecian grandeur of betrayed passions.
It is a commonplace …
Ode to an Infamous Lady
She lies in beauty,
She contemplates the stars,
Murmuring the hymns of life.
She contemplates herself in the water,
Stale and still,
No movement. …
Scarred For Life
Her effervescent smile made my day,
The sparkle in her eyes
Held me a sway,
Her heart, as lovely as her face, …
A Locust
On a hill, aloof, alone, away, faraway
Hands raise to divine grace way
Winds and bellows fill quiet taverns
Asking me questions, shaking an empty barrel. …
Lonely hearts with mighty soul
with secret desires of worldly pleasure
painted face pretending bliss
imploded within the confined egos
are the living …
Too Old to remember
Time has fed on me and spat out
a purple veined core of fatigue.
People tell me I am too old
to be alive and
Yet somehow,
I have turned older today. …
Baton of our life
The bedside was thronged by relatives
From nearest to dearest they surrounded
He, awake, asleep or unaware, my knowledge betrays.
Calmly he lay motionless …
Be Silent All
That unearthly light
With such eerie speed-
Across the sky pale,
Just for a second-but a …
On Woman Empowerment
On Woman Empowerment
I am in love with this woman
Her secrets, mysterious ways.
Her love and sacrifice defy a dozen deaths of unkind mankind.
She …
True Independence
Veiled eyes filled in
freedom dreams
With hands confined
while toes on wheels
Self flight struck
but adding wings
Living ironies
In tragic shades! …
The Bangle-Seller’s Daughter
She put on the bangles, one by one
Bright coloured glass ringlets
That shone in a lovely coruscating flash of gold, green, orange and pink
Winking …
My Mentor and I
My mentor and I
In timeless space
Together we stand
In karmic grace.
It isn’t a dream
Or a forbidden view
With no one in sight
Whom once …
World through your eyes...
For once or for ever
I want this time to pass never...
for it has come after ages of desire
like the cold turns away at the sight of fire...
I see …
You've gone by
You've gone by
with the flicker of the candle
the time I opened my eye
dreamlike; life seemed a mirage
on which I build dreams
often of houses, …
Earlier when we entered this divine town
you, me and mom
we felt it was bliss.
The aroma of sweet-smelling roses
embellished with little drops …
So easily...
If today was the last day,
If there was no tomorrow,
I would like to say this thing;
One last time and again and again
You have been more …
Shoe Lace
Means the world to me
When you kneel down
And tie them for me
From the time of long ago
And until now that we're grey
You made me feel …
I wonder what I should call a blessing
Your little hands, soft palms;
The lovely forehead or the supple cheeks
You brought me light
When everything …
Sad Demise
Her neck, once laden with the sandalwood power
is now barren; clad with nothingness
as her withered body is laid on the white muslin cloth
an array …
Steps these are.
That’s what they are.
I know you are with me
Steps, these and more
Follow my footsteps
And see me where I am
Guard me behind …
Mournful Cry
I come in this world of cruel beings
With the boundless hope in my heart
To be loved and cared
Lying here bewildered
Betrayed after birth
In the darkness …
No Words.......
There were no words left
Nor ink to inscribe
What is felt within
This emptiness inside
The moonless face
Of heaven I see
Where I …
Valentine Gift
On this Valentine’s Day
Load your heart full of love
Express your true feelings
To those close to your heart
Breathe life into bliss
Rejuvenate your …
At the Graveyard
I saw faces moaning
I saw them all crying
Crying for my beloved
Who was moaning lying moaning
The Girl I loved the most
No more on this …
Amritsar Diaries
Tucked in a corner you lay
all these years
in a bustling street
in the lanes of Amritsar
Tell me, didn't you
yearn for me all these years
among …
... A Gift of Life.
Love, I wish you would come
To hear my heart whisper
Your name, my lips can not utter
Your kiss I still remember
Like summer breeze on winter's …
The Island
Standing alone in the vast sea
With water all around
Coconut trees on it’s hub
There lies a desolated island
With seagulls on it’s shores
Fighting …
Gift of Life
On the hospital bed she lay
Gripping the bed sheet
Prayers in her mind
Sweat on her forehead
Screaming in soreness
Exploiting her strength
Pushing …
I am tired!
I am tired of proving myself right,
with each argument and fight
I am tired of burning myself from the inside,
after you fused the spark to show …
Of Mortals...
Death is hovering; like a crow circling upon its prey...
Must be the pallid reflection from a mirror,
Of a creature that is now me.
Cursed like a …
Among the Crowd
Among the crowd
I walk on the lonely street;
A Flutter of people pass by me
Unnoticed goes the half-naked child
Sitting on the edge of the road
And …
Its Been A Long Time Since...
Its been a long time since
I'd written verse
The thoughts of a bygone era --
Relived through letters of
Fresh ink
Its been a long time since
We …
After a storm, comes a deafening silence...
Time to be quiet and reflect
Time to ponder how anger can be so maddening
Makes us queasy.
How fire can …
The Flute is Still Young
My pen had a bleary flow this morn
I could have told a tale on more poignant lines
So I picked up a woeful moon
Was about to dip it in a pallid …
Random Notes From a Lover
Of a thousand reflexes
this one haunts me the most:
the ability to feel
and the tingling sensation
on my skin
when you touch my hand …
This cyclic, never ending
aura of this monsoon;
we walked together battling the enormous
force of raindrops
they slap me on my face …
Void, the Emptiness of Life
United; yet apart
The leaves fall timelessly… I wander about
Not considering the crowd
Absurd; it may seem…
For I’m a social animal. Atleast …
take a deep breath
and keep moving
Even if your insecurities
return after they had been exiled
from their country,
keep moving.
Keep …
I sit in the balcony overviewing the lake and I realise how costly love is
A daughter's mindful, chained love
Bound in the tower
Like repunzel
Always …
Virgin and Another Poem
1) Virgin
By Shabnum Khanum
Make me a virgin once again
Innate in beauty
Raw at my heart
Uncuff and spread me
Across the stars
Make me see …
Different Trajectory.
How it becomes
a Solitary Walk ...
the path it self is a companion
bearing Paws in its palms
it is affirmed to remove
the knots of kinks
Birthday Wishes of a Grandmother
Birthday Wishes to a Grandson
Miles and miles away I listen to your daily musings.
Oh, my dear Kuttus lovable and cute you are,
Mother Your Tears and Other Poems
Mother your tears, Churn guilt in me,
While I smoke, drink you bleed in pain, in shame I drain.
But understand my vain.
A hollow space slows my walk, …
Nothing Makes me Happier
Nothing makes me happier than to see you sleep,
And Laughing at your funny snore sounding so deep,
Watching you shed your load by my side,
Seeing you …
You are Not Allowed to Fall in Love
I grew up with a principle to
not to fall in love,
Falling in Love and being in love
is carnage the time and energy.
And I married without experiencing …
You and I, we both stand on the same road
that leads to one heavenly abode
We are the same now bought together by destiny's game
It is so easy to blend …
Littoral Through My Lenses
Silver Surf,
Sparkles of hopes
Strengthen the fire within...
Sobbing sundown
Strikes out sorrows, struggles voraciously,
Swallows the past, that cease …
I was not
The flowers were blooming
even today
when I was passing by
the thoughts only flew
to one of one florets,
some wet with rain,
some on the verge of …
Two Poems
I scuffled with letters
I tussled with numerals
I fought a man and won
And go on brawling
A Bird's View
Far below sometimes beyond reach
I see a few green specks...
scattered beneath.
High up in the sky,
the clouds spread farther than my wings.
Please come back
As I stood under the blue sky with a lifeless smile,
I turned behind, to find my colorful past
fade away far away from me...
What I saw was also the …
Oh my dearest
Oh my dearest, you are the one I love
Each beautiful memory of love, to you I owe
The first time we met, I remember, I fell for your dazzling smile, …
The Spatial Tomb
Some places you go
A few you cannot but;
They form you,
And urges you to transform them;
They do not offer any tool
You are the chisel:
All that …
The (K)nightmare
lay putrefying on my pillow.
I woke up
in a breathless hurry,
this heart weaving beats
in a crazed drunken stitch.
My eyes screamed …
Diary of A Broken Heart
Mix sentiments is what I feel,
One minute I wish to peep,
the other, I hate to see.
I guilt!
This pain,will it ever end?
Two worlds ripped apart, …
Fake Smile
I saw her coming towards me
I turned my face to look at her
Her head was held down
As she continues to walk past me
Her eyes were exotic
But tears …
Book seller
From the shackles of humanity
in the lane of the unfamiliar
he treads
carrying a tattered bag
selling books
meant for children a little smaller
than …
Sunset at the Edge of Sea
One more late Evening
Of to seashore a lonesome walk
One more sunset
Bare feet at the edge of the sea
One more sundown
I fall apart
I reveal …
Waking moments...of Isabel Cecilia
Sleep has evaded me again...almost like a naughty child teasing me unrelentingly...
It was fun to stay in active consciousness, but when your body tells …
One Last Time
One last time hold my hand
and let's walk in the rain
drenched from head to toe
One last time let's go back to the place
where we often …
I fondly remember the December Kolkata skies;
in which his hand shivered at the touch of the
tap water's shrill
as amma prepared dinner for …
What If?
What if tomorrow,
The sun doesn’t shine?
What if tomorrow,
The birds don’t fly?
I ask this question,
again and again,
what if tomorrow, …
A Ray of Light
I couldn’t find my way
The darkness engulfed me
Everywhere my eyes searched
But alas! Could not see
Wish I could see a ray of light …
A Few Good Men
Going a long way back in history,
Were the days where men were bizarre.
Their daily lives were without a story,
With beliefs only in suns and stars. …
Winter of life
When your black hair turns silver,
you realize you'r losing youth.
And it is getting white,
you know you are ageing.
When your radiant skin loses …
Path of Love
If the path is beautiful
Why ask where it leads?
Beautiful path of love
You walk the path with your beloved
With hand in hand
Smile and Giggle …
The Bed
I saw you today . . .
naked and sprawled
on that over-sized
four-poster mahogany bed,
getting your body massaged.
You were lying face down,
your …
On the land of red tulips, it rains
On the sad night of agony, it rains
Rain, on the holy graves of comrades
On my restless eyes, it rains
My heart …
The Forlorn Chair
A forlorn chair sat in the veranda of my ancestral home
It belonged to a great man with big black beard, who lived forever to roam
He wore a thick green …
Eagle in Me
It flies so high, yet see so close…
That prey for me, that prays, ‘not me’.
Why you ply just above me; cried that prey
But sounds that came high, …
That Familiar Feeling
It’s as if I’m in an abyss.
And I want to lie still.
I’m in no hurry to be discovered.
I want it to extort from me, my passion.
Every little remains. …
The Last Page Not rated yet
Did your hands soak in blood?
Trying to save me
Like Tabrizi
did your instincts ever crave me?
Did you ever become a tide roaring to save the calm …
May There be a Second time Not rated yet
I wish there is a second time,
When life makes me visit you,
But this time may you not be the star,
Just an ordinary man grounded and true.
May this …
Metamorphosis of Familiar Faces-6 Not rated yet
Impactful Anita
A workaholic, who had no watch
to keep track of time
co workers had to fall in line
to catch her work in time
Soldiers Die Nations Cry Not rated yet
Please stop the wars let danger and grief now cease
You’r in power for so brief, no signs of stability or peace
Cant bear to see drone and our …
Celebrating October Not rated yet
There is Halloween and Pitru Pooja
Dia de los Muertos and also eid e shuja
The sacrifice of deceased and our ancestor
Asia to Americas we honour …
Metamorphosis of Familiar Faces-5 Not rated yet
Narasimha Bhatta (Chef extraordinaire)
A loyal employee of a college in the rural arena
superimposed the biometric standards in attendance …
Tightrope Between Extremes Not rated yet
Sometimes when the breeze is cold, I think of you. Sometimes, when the sunrays strike like needles, I think of you. And it's always in extremes. I wonder …
Metamorphosis of Familiar Faces-4 Not rated yet
A majestic look and undying spirit
Perennially playful often seeking to flint
Super sensitive to sound all round
Metamorphosis of Familiar faces-3 Not rated yet
God Father
(God father 3rd in the series of 12)
A world war veteran's son with soldier genes
Sported the DNA in a warring path for the …
When I am with my Husband Not rated yet
The days and nights are festive
Even the chaos is meditative
We cook shop gym and talk
Routine is fun round the clock.
We are accommodative of each …
Genuine 1-to-1 Not rated yet
She and her man dressed up in their cotton ethnic wears
Told the kids to also choose decent attires
They were always told and felt too that you get …
Our Nature Not rated yet
When I was small I wished I grew up soon
When I was young I wished I had talent and boon
When I was working I wished I always was super skilled
But …
Metamorphosis of Familiar Faces-2 Not rated yet
(2nd one in the series of 12)
An Army officer's better half
an embodiment of bravery epigraph.
The Refugee …
My First Jog - Getting Active Not rated yet
I used to slouch on my couch, wasting lazy days away,
I was a ‘couch potato’ they said .
But then my brother pushed me to go
for a jog, to be …
Metamorphosis of Familiar Faces . Not rated yet
"An Eulogy to Dr Rajeev Taranath".
( First one in the series of 12 )
Ascended on earth like a Beacon of light
That Lighthouse was a …
Getting Transferred Not rated yet
I find myself here, a junction in my life,
A junction in time, and thus I write this rhyme.
I’ve got to leave them,
My old friends behind, …
Betrayal Not rated yet
Betrayal smells of dried blood
Of carcasses after the flood
Of an eclipsed sun
Of a beasts fun
Of unhealed scars and eternal pain
Of stagnant …
World and Me Not rated yet
Wherever I have stayed,
I have stayed with my all,
Whatever I have done,
My integrity didn’t fall,
I am proud of my honesty,
My loyalty …
Perfect Mismatch Not rated yet
The answers are strewn
But the questions are missing
So when the questions arise
Do the answers go missing?
Do they lodge themselves
Split Second Not rated yet
Mortality. Take a moment to think about that word.
Take a moment to notice the blood,
Sweat and pain broken on the backs of our people,
Only to …
Stuck We Remain Not rated yet
Right as the rain, right as the sun
Yet again, the damage is done
Mother divine, mother of mine
Some people never change, et tu?
You broke the …
Mist Not rated yet
A life in a shell is no life at all
But when the mist of angst unfolds, there's no turning back.
Embrace me fully, comfort me, you are my second …
Me at Thirty Nine Not rated yet
Thinking loudly
About me turning thirty nine,
Almost touching forty
Still doing pretty fine.
I don’t share my chocolate with kids
Devotional Songs to Babaji Not rated yet
Hymn for Babaji
(Devotional Song)
Lord, You are my only Refuge,
anchor, harbour
Protector, Preserver, Saviour
Everlasting …
Hymn for Babaji Not rated yet
Hymn for Babaji
(Song of Gratitude)
Everlasting Gratitude to Babaji
for Your constant flow
of benevolent Grace and
for being …
When Death Questioned Life Not rated yet
Once there was a weird town I remember,
With huge ironic lands.
One side had a hospital where new lives born,
Other had a graveyard, where the life …
A Night of Horrors Not rated yet
After they had murdered
in the darkest hour of the night
a woman they chased
to prove she was wrong they were right
Scarring her body …
I glared unbeknownst to who I am Not rated yet
The question rang into my ears
Like the bells of the cathedral,
With eyes glutted with suspicion
They’d pierce into each intention.
Like a coffin …
She Forgot Home Not rated yet
Warm, sheeny-shiny, and comforting it was,
with the essence of her innocence and strength of a Taurus.
Later, darkness filled the shabby shelves …
The Living Dead Not rated yet
In a grim blue-glinted space, I had an epiphany
That we’re the cursed chimes of time’s symphony,
Our minds are chained and trounced in this wretched …
Yes, I am a woman. Not rated yet
Yes, I am a woman.
I am the title
Peeking from behind an ornate veil-
Woven with syllables
I am the spaces
Between the words
But still …
Safety Pin Friendship Not rated yet
Give a safety pin to a woman
and she is your friend for life.
Pinned on the edges of her saree,
she’d carry, these safety pins.
Brimming like …
Supermodel Not rated yet
You don't believe me when I say
That it is this girl's face
That intrigues me : it doesn't seem
To belong to her body,so divinely,so …
Why Not rated yet
She was a promising young doctor, he
Was a drug addict and convict
She came to tend his wound, and he
Stabbed her to death with scissors …
Her Not rated yet
There once was a girl,
Who had dreams of an amazing world;
She would smile all day and laugh with her friends;
As there wasn't a reason to be sad …
Utopian Dystopia Not rated yet
In utopia, all things are pristine,
A perfect world of beauty and grace,
Where life is filled with joy and the sweetest scenes,
And every soul is …
Solitude Not rated yet
I am lost in the forest
Decades after decades I bury myself in the darkness
My night and day are all the same
The creepers cripples all over my body. …
Surreal Dream Not rated yet
In the shadow of my conscious mind
I am treading in a blissful wind
Beside the rippling brook
In the garden of red roses,
Drizzling in rain;
I …
The Unknown Woman Not rated yet
I am the unknown woman
I rise as a flare from the hidden ashes.
The fire that you ignited long ago
Rubbing the trees in the forest.
The deep yellow …
Never Leave Me Alone Not rated yet
The sun is in hide
Behind the nimbus.
The gust of heavy rain drops
On my tiny body.
So heavy, my feathers ruffle
So heavy, my body aches.
My …
Success Not rated yet
Keeping a dream in your mind
it's just the first step
so, get up because it is a long
road ahead
some turns
some straights
it's like a lightning …
My Rimless Not rated yet
It was a Tuesday sunny morning,
“Mom, you promised me of buying
A rimless spectacle.”
Mom retorted, “Yes! I remember! Rimless spectacle!”
“So, what …
Gems of Nature Not rated yet
Green the color of nature’s birth.
Life revolved around these hues.
O’ lover, come out here and smell the dewy grass!
Remember the times we lay under …
The Drowning Hope Not rated yet
The hope that rose each day ,
For the betterment and success everyday ,
The expectations that burdened,
The excitement that enlightened,
But the …
Muted Knot Not rated yet
I can perceive the echoes of the late night beyond the hills that encircle my community.
I make an effort to listen more, but understand nothing; …
Incertitude, is it? Not rated yet
1. One gossip girl
Why did she crib in her bath?
when the tap stopped gushing out warm water midway
knowing well some didn’t even get it to douse …
A veil not to unveil Not rated yet
On the day of fifth February twenty-two,
An order comes, where a sacred veil
Was banned in schools,
Saying it violates school uniform rules.
And …
Dreams- Undreamt Not rated yet
Rolled dual dice in succession a try
And that went into the clouds beyond the sky
Merged into the clouds and vanished into the rain.
I scribbled …
Hopelessly hoping Not rated yet
And with hope comes fear,
And with hope comes a ray of light,
And with hope comes disappointment too
not all sweets are meant to be delights.
And …
Enough is Enough Not rated yet
You showed me a palace of dreams
And glittered my dull heart.
You were the silver lining,
That is what you lured me to think.
Little did I know then, …
O’ Lord I’m loved and protected
You are such an incomparable lover
But faith is necessary and the truth is uncompromised
Then provides as a mother …
Some things never end Not rated yet
Still remember
the first time we met
The sun was
just about to set
Together we made
the perfect duet
Better than even
Romeo and Juliet ♥
Those …
All I am asking for is a fair share Not rated yet
I come out in the world to see men everywhere,
They carry a suitcase and go for work,
climbing a merry stair.
Why do I not have access to the outside …
A Dream Of Oblivion Not rated yet
As my eyes slowly close,
I start to dream of oblivion
A taste of freedom and a vision of the end
So, I let it flow, my life force
My essence, my …
Life is a hope Not rated yet
Life is a hope which never ends!
Life is not race, you make it..
Life gets bitter, you have to taste it..
Life is not full of sweetness,
you never …
The Nomad Dreams of Home Not rated yet
Dead dreams come to life again
To reawaken the Nomad’s desire
For Home like the discovery of
Crumpled but cheerfully coloured wrappers of sweet treats …
A Crisis of Identity Not rated yet
I, who?
What I no longer remember,
Or rather,
Who I no longer remember is
Was there ever a ‘me’? I wonder…
I remember the unmaking of me.
On Marine Drive Not rated yet
Dazzling lights upon the Queen’s Necklace,
Like a fine string of celestial diamonds.
It is close to midnight and the crowd
Start fading away. Perhaps …
The mind is like an onion Not rated yet
Like an on(I)on
My m(I)nd unfolds,
multilayered as it grows.
Perennially nurturing the
Secrets and stories that it
Lived and learnt.
Thoughts race …
Life As A Wallflower Not rated yet
I have always been an obscure thing for people to be used and thrown away
A living-breathing thing; maybe not always so inanimate
I hide my vulnerable …
The Screams of Sati Not rated yet
And one unfortunate night,
A storm occured in that village,
The storm was a storm in the virtue of life
And not a natural calamity!
The storm took …
All under a Banyan Not rated yet
The grandma scrapes her burnt dreams
from the empty pots. The sweat of so
many loud yesterday's linger in her faded
maroon saree, she claims its still …
Disappear Not rated yet
I try to jerk off the good-bye in my palm lines.
They seem to be stuck on the fungus of my
smiles. But the men who visit me do it so well,
that seem …
Day After Day Not rated yet
Day after day, my voyage ends,
the words die out on the tongue,
and the time come to take shelter in a silent obscurity.
And one day, under the great …
The tears of a child, the pain of a mother!
A heart full of memories of a dead father!
Here’s so much sorrow, in every eye.
Nothing but hurt …
Emancipation Not rated yet
In the silicon valley lived (a professor) an enlightened soul
Creating a hub of music all around; an archaic space like a museum!
That housed records …
Goblin my Captain Not rated yet
Oh Captain, my captain, captain of the house
You guarded this mansion without any grouse
Your majestic appearance described espouse
No one could hoodwink …
Shivered Her Spine Not rated yet
Shivered her spine,
Tears rolled down her eyes,
Her capability was confined to her smile,
Her gender defined her heights,
Ironically she was pushed …
A Mother's Blessing Not rated yet
Oh my dear son,
you have gone away to another land,
and now I can't see you for days,
I never realized that I may not see you,
unless you flew away …
An Ode To Oceans And Seas Not rated yet
Take me into Thine breast,
On Thou's cool chest, let me rest
Take me into Thy peaceful depths
Into the sweet echoing songs of dolphins and whales
The …
Candle-Dousers Are On The Run! Not rated yet
While candle-dousers were on the run,
Terracotta toys shouldered half burnt wax candles.
Delicateness would light up dampness,
Benign were the Bolsheviks, …
Pandemic Refugees Not rated yet
A flight of humans marching back and forth across all roads
Serpentine length carrying merchandise of heavy loads
Where? where? the herd heading …
My Pen and a Blank Page Not rated yet
My pen stills on a blank white page,
Too many jumbled words crowd around it
Secret thoughts, and unexplored feelings
Indescribable emotions, some …
Rainy Season Not rated yet
In rainy season
Rainwater was in the entire room
My mom always told me
The tree behind the house had
broken the roof
That’s why ………………
She …
No Time Not rated yet
Living in towers with light,
But no time to see the flowers bright.
Sailing in copper boats,
But no time to make paper boats.
Staying under shower …
Gangs Of thermodynamics Not rated yet
Welcome to the 'gangs of thermodynamics';
the gang feared by all.
They are the voters who themselves play the elections;
It's the Gaziabad of all …
Performance Appraisal Not rated yet
Moments after your birth
Your profile is generated
So you hang on to it
Till the end of your life
The profile is akin to the Aadhar card
Defines …
Twilight Not rated yet
It was "Twilight"-
When sun set was about to hit the water-
The turtle rose up and sunk down deeper,
All swans turned towards shore,
It was the last …
If Sappho was an Adjective Not rated yet
To see you transcending before time into little
droplets of charred sugar-like emotions,
to see you becoming - into the pixie dust that
I wanted …
The Wall and 2 other Poems Not rated yet
The Wall
The wall is indicating to stop,
The wall-rigid, formidable, stone cold,
I look over and continue,
It resisting me and I resisting it, …
Scarce Thoughts Not rated yet
That there could be delight
in first ray of day
That there is chance of life
evolving in one's own might.
That the tremble of petals to rain …
5 Short Poems Not rated yet
A Memorable Year
The year 2020......knocked our doors,
With hundred of new desires;
But ultimately drowning us,
Into the waves of a disaster. …
A Guest on Our Planet Not rated yet
A rolling ball started revolving and rotating
What a ball with porcupine needles all over
Accelerated and the velocity unmeasurable
Spinning …
The Rising Not rated yet
The Rising
By Supatra Sen
She told me that she came to the big city
To earn money
Enough for a bicycle
So that she could pedal furiously …
Tempestuous Not rated yet
Freedom is sweet, but
sweeter still is servitude.
Gliding in the sunset tinted
winds, skimming the pink ocean
with my toes,
why am …
Death a Pendency of Life Not rated yet
Death is a pendency of life authorised to punctuate life
Yet everyone on earth defies death, defying is the rule of life
Is it a daily combat …
4 Short Poems Not rated yet
Cawing Crow
By Prahelika Sen
Sitting upon the sun shade....in the morning glow,
There caws a weary crow;
With it’s beak gaping widely, …
Then I Pen a Verse and She Not rated yet
Then I Pen a Verse
By Rima Sahamandal
The Convergence of my joy and sorrow ,
Momental euphoria or bruises I borrow,
When delicate zaphyre …
About Love Not rated yet
A Rainy Morning
I wake to the sound of rain,
A gentle murmur and a dozy state;
Like a lullaby, he sang for a while
Wanting me awake but only to …
Thou Art A Woman Not rated yet
Armed with my college degree
eyes full of dreams
I went to every interview looking crisp.
The beginnings were always the same
and strangely the …
Honking Cars and Mighty Scars Not rated yet
Honking cars and mighty scars
By Tooba Ayesha
Ringlets in fingers, dripping down the wrist
Forming the map, locating the site
Alleys and turns …
The Last Verse Not rated yet
When did we sleep so deep, can anyone remember?
It took a pandemic to wake us up from slumber
I now pick my battles to lend and raise my …
I Want to be Born! Not rated yet
I know when a child is born,
The stars light up the way.
The sun dawns a bright new day,
The birds chirp in merriment,
and say, "A bundle of joy …
Perished Love and another Poem Not rated yet
By Rima Sahamandal
Love used to drink exotic wine
Now Love engulfs glasses of pain
It enwrapped itself with a quilt of gloom …
Seeking an Explanation Not rated yet
Why did you do that, woman?
Distressed; fish out of water
Flailing fins, lashing tail
Can’t breathe
What’s causing this?
Unprecedented; …
She is Your Wife Not rated yet
Kiss her more
Do not ignore
Hug her tight
Be her light
Gifts do give
Not expensive
She doesn't need stars
Just some chocolate bars
Give her …
Gandhi Shrine and Other Poems Not rated yet
Gandhi Shrine
By Sri Lal
I follow this path in dreams.
end up at the shrine
again. The light is streaked
with gold. I am alone
or I am …
You Not rated yet
You are the cherry on top of white frosting,
I'll always fight for, even knowing cherries leave an aftertaste, I was never fond of.
You are the last …
In The New Land and Two Other Poems Not rated yet
In The New Land
By Jit Bhattacharya
My friend Eddie from Ghana
with a state scholarship moved
to study in Moscow, Russia
he learnt the language, …
This was how it all began Not rated yet
Deserted in a land with no familiar face,
Timid inside but she knew she could ace.
Slowly found her people, she felt free,
Now her life was happy …
Nepenthes Not rated yet
Amidst the suffocating swamp of deep dark forests
Where shadows varied peep through the shades
Light green and dark and a hundred more
This humid, stifling, …
The Stand and Other Poems Not rated yet
1) To Stand
The present is
not so the future.
There is nothing we can do
still by the thought of nothing
but then a place is ravished
where …
The Knight Not rated yet
A knight in shining armor
rode through the darkened fields
on a galloping stallion
with a dagger and a shield
At noon they reached a foreign …
Through the Past Not rated yet
Don't search for me in the places I've left,
Don't track my ancient footprints,
refused to fade but partially concealed in dust,
Only walk along, don't …
Anonymous For a Reason Not rated yet
Waking up
And pulling apart
The crowded dreams
Of yesterday
Holding firm
My determination
To make up
For all my past mistakes.
Wearing my self-love …
Masked Identity Not rated yet
MY Identity is hyjacked by those
Militant men of the family
Oh! I was not carried in a Palanquin
Blindfolded and Protected
I travelled and travelled …
She Will Survive Not rated yet
She is crying her days and crying her nights
Wandering the conclusions and its mights
There was once love now are fights
Only left now is doubt, regret …
Unspoken words- Karna,the Warrior Prince Not rated yet
I am Karna, the warrior child, born out of wedlock to my mother, Kunti. I am the inheritor to the throne, the prince who will never get his kingdom. Brave …
The Dying Sun Not rated yet
Somewhere in between these french skies they lay motionless,
she turned to look at him for the one last time,
the Peach trees and the autumn leaves …
The Unfinished Story and Another Poem Not rated yet
Poem 1 - The Unfinished story
By Rakshita Banswal Tikoo
He wrote a story once,
Left it unfinished, couldn’t discern the ending
And decided to …
Friends of Agony, Dandelion Not rated yet
By Anupama Mishra
Having been aloof in this world
I wandered through the lanes
At the day and in the night,
At the bay and …
A Realistic Indian Dream Not rated yet
Mother, we need to fire the maid,
It is fairly obvious that she is doing a lousy job -
For dusted under the carpet,
I found a bundle of stereotypes, …
Dumbing Days Not rated yet
‘Is it your birthday today?’
My flat-neighbor asked me.
I was quite puzzled by the question.
Like ‘what she will do with my birthday?’ …
The Green Flag Not rated yet
The nutrified meadowland thrives in indebtedness
To the untainted streamlet awakening close by
Splattering pellucid blobs on scattered chunks of wood …
Frying The Soul Not rated yet
Ladies and Gentleman
For all intents and purposes its an ordinary room, it
looked out on a drapery of leaves from the tall
athletic tree
It’s the air …
In Enemy Territory Not rated yet
A land of green with soothing breeze,
Moon of silver, Sun in angery hue,
I was back home, land of other mother,
Thought I ,standing on the enemy territory. …
I am a Lone Reed Not rated yet
I am a lone reed
Stark and naked
I must weather it all on my own
I must stand all alone
You are prepared to live your life without me
Without you, …
God Not rated yet
I have never needed God
As a personal savior
In my practical life
Inference about His existence
Was never music to my ears
But always seemed vague …
Failure: The Wedge of Success Not rated yet
Failure is not the lack of success,
Rather, it pushes you to do better and go get the goals.
Failure is not a misdeed,
Rather, it is a lofty way concerning …
To a Chimney Not rated yet
Mendicant palace, cosy by window,
Frugal sun-beams, preys on shadow.
Vernal bliss breathes in life anew,
Strikes my wonder, a sun-bathed view.
An ancient …
Be With Someone Not rated yet
Be with someone who takes your hand
Who let's you move like the sand
Be with someone who cares for you
Whose heart beats and bleeds for you
Someone …
Chaos Not rated yet
You may rush to your room,
Finds everything messy.
Books thrown out of the shelf,
Coffee cup on left halfway last night.
And the long untied hair tickling …
When Love Fades.. Not rated yet
There are times when love fades
Relationship looks like shades
You don't know what the other says
Without talking you pass days
Storm it seems …
Innocence Lost!!!! Not rated yet
Vultures are everywhere.
You look here, you look there.
Their eyes on children fair and naive,
When opportunity strikes down they dive.
Grab the …
A Day of Bloom Not rated yet
The morning rays of warmth, kissed and caressed me,
Urging me to shed, the enclosing cloak of green.
Little by little I drew, to the warmth that beckoned …
Perfection Not rated yet
Nothing seems so much challenging than defining the word perfection,
So, while defining perfection, I may have to face differences of opinion.
Usually …
Ephemeral Not rated yet
America was dying but we didn’t know it.
India was dying but we didn’t know it.
India died and we didn’t know it.
It was that fateful night, a girl …
I am a Woman Not rated yet
I am many in one—
Daughter, sister, wife, mother.
I am perfect at who I am.
I have to be.
You will not have it any other way.
I am beautiful, coy, …
Lost Love Not rated yet
Do you remember, when love was our song?
Where did we lose it, what went wrong?
In the place of love, there is a void...
Yet, we each other, deliberately …
I am a Martyr Not rated yet
I am a Martyr
I laid my life,
Left my parents
I left my wife,
I am a Martyr
I am proud,
Of everything I did
To save this crowd,
I am a Martyr …
A Letter to Younger Self Not rated yet
Dear Twinkle,
Overwhelmed with emotions myriad,
My pen strides forward,
Scripting you, this letter,
that finds you in good health.
Oh! How grateful …
Minded Thoughts Not rated yet
Someone gave my mind
Wings to fly the world
Clouds were jealous;
So were the birds.
Without bidding farewell to my heart
Or to my soul,
She wandered …
Who Am I! Not rated yet
Who Am I
May be A cucumber
Some anxiety some water and a deep slumber.
Who Am I
May be an orange
With Some colour and a behaviour that is strange …
It's My Time to Shine Not rated yet
Thank you for letting me shine,
Was i not a coal before i met you
you let me be a diamond
how good to wake up in the morning
to say hello to you
my …
Who Won? Not rated yet
The day he met death...it was smiling
He asked what is it that makes you happy
It said the fact that you think you are the master...
When I am the ruler …
Some Days and Other Poems Not rated yet
Some Days
By Anupama Kadwad
There are some days
when I feel like I’m in a trance
keep doing the routine things
but heart and mind are not …
The Sacrifice Not rated yet
I stopped, for a sip of sweet, tender coconut water
Beside the emerald green fields which was a sight to see,
In the oppressively hot, humid morning, …
My Best Friend Not rated yet
Even from a distance I can hear you cry,
I feel your pain and I wonder why?
Why cant I be with you like before
Why cant I listen to you any more …
The Grave Not rated yet
What else was this day looking forward to, I didn't know. I am falling in a dark quagmire of not knowing anything, my head is just a missed distant wave, …
Desire Not rated yet
I wish I would get back my childhood days,
Where I would be free of all strains.
From morning to noon, from noon …
Sorrow and Hope Not rated yet
My sorrow has submerged me in pain,
I feel lonely and I am left in the rain,
I am drenched with agony,
Which will not go away
Life has been …
My Parents:The Exceptional Souls Not rated yet
You both are my special and ever lasting memory,
Soo exclusive and universal like sun
And I am obliged to you, for making me
Who I am today or will …
It Hurts!! Not rated yet
It Hurts when people take you for granted
For no reason you feel unwanted
It hurts when you are suddenly thrown
To be alone and on your own
It hurts …
Signature Not rated yet
A signature a day keeps the worries away
Without a signature, there would be so much delay
Banks are run, brokers have fun,
Work gets done on a signature …
Draupadi Is Being Sued Not rated yet
Draupadi Is Being Sued.
Draupadi is being sued by Duryodhan.
She’s one to talk!
She with five husbands
She the temptress to him and Karan
She’s …
A Beautiful Mind Not rated yet
There will be faces more gorgeous
And women with body more sensuous
But my love, you are one of a kind
For you have a simply beautiful mind …
In the Night Not rated yet
In the dark hour of the night
When the world sleeps sound and tight
I wake up from the dream of life
Near the moon waits my flight
In the stars …
A Birthday Wish Not rated yet
Your smile is the unconditional love for me,
Your warm hug provides me the reason to live,
You are my bunch of pleasure
You are my soothing entity
Feelings of Silence and Another Poem Not rated yet
Silence Silence Silence
Everywhere silence
Never I feel
Never I thought
What would happen to him.
The day was there.
When he cracks jokes.
Chudiyaan Not rated yet
I sit here in the shade,
Watching my papa ply his trade.
A fabulous bangle maker is he,
Creating bangles out of mud, steel and wood, you see.
Day …
Devil for the night Not rated yet
She laid next to him for the last time,
Oxygen slowly burning her from within.
Drowning inside the power that electrified her,
he laid still with no …
Life Through My Eyes Not rated yet
I have seen life through my eyes...
The droplets of rain falling on the ground..
The moon shining on the window..
The fragrance of wet soil...
The …
You Too Will Fall in Love Not rated yet
There will be a day in life
When you too will fall in love
Amateur you will write status
As no experience until then you’ll hold
To fall to love …
Poems on Love and Writing Not rated yet
1) Of Love and marriage
If to be a lover is to be a poet, I am a poet;
Countless are the ways I love thee.
by tearful prayers and fiery longing …
A Morning Without You Not rated yet
Amidst the so called bliss of sun,
Why does my wound still burn?
In the cascade of heavy rain,
Why I cling to wash my pain?
Why amidst the …
Monologue of a Perturbed Soul Not rated yet
1) Let Me Spread My Wings
Let me fly
Higher than the clouds,
Let me rely
On those old fairy tales..
When this world
Veils mirth with shroud, …
Lost Love and Other Poems Not rated yet
Unobtrusively you
on into
my languid life.
the cup i sipped
you had shared,ashtrays and beds.
loneliness comes
a sharp …
Winters! Not rated yet
I just love the winters!
It's the only time when the otherwise
busy city seems to finally repose for
sometime more,silencing the chaos
rendering the …
The Longing Not rated yet
When I think about you it brings a smile on my face
I keep remembering your beautiful face filled with grace
Your smile is precious
Your demeanour is …
No head No problem Not rated yet
My day is going smoothly.
I went out, I bought myself the things I love.
I made so many silly faces at children.
I smiled at strangers. …
Ignited Brain Mission Not rated yet
Though we are from different backgrounds,
Different cultures ,different mind sets,
And different multilingual countries,
Generations come and go, …
The Aesthetic Beauty Not rated yet
Descending and sinking is all she possess,
Breaking and falling apart is all she can do.
Though, abdicating the grip of fear,
Embracing the destiny …
Migrating Lives Not rated yet
Rivers of sweets ran down the streets,
Celebration to welcome one of their breeds,
All was fine until nine,
As the report came for the sign,
No moisture …
Haunting Not rated yet
Your lips, my neck
My fingers, your hair
Your fingers, my waist
My lips, your ears
Silence punctuated by rustling clothes
Bodies bending, overlapping, …
Childhood Not rated yet
Waking up we see the moon only it isn't the sun
Which used to blind flowers and
It was darker than we imagined
The kind that brings sparks inside …
What is there to lament Not rated yet
What is there to lament...
When we, wrapped in our rich gowns of chastity step into the gutters,
With Plastic smiles stretched on taut faces,
masks …
Dear Lover Not rated yet
You can call me a carcass,
a carcass filled with leftover flesh…
I reek of lovers that left behind
a butchered soul
with white lilies and a name; …
Do Birds Cry? Not rated yet
I am broken bricks
tied together to the feet
of an injured bird,
I don’t fly no more
I wail like
the falling rain
in the dust of the darkness- …
My First Birthday Not rated yet
Tomorrow is my birthday
My first birthday
Learning to live
Taking baby steps
While fear murmurs
Words of caution
Faltering steps, shaky words …
Lost Winter Not rated yet
In the sweet winter
last November
The glamour, hot and warm
Worn between intimate lover
And blessed with affection
Adorned with attraction
Elated …
Unable to Love Myself Not rated yet
Whistling down my way through the coniferous forest of shivalik range
I suddenly realized how content I was
I suddenly don’t have to worry about my career …
Incandescence Not rated yet
Bygone are my ancient's chandlers,
From China, Greece and Rome;
I am lit up to prove my existence,
When smothered I am on road to salvation;
I shimmer …
Plucked Feathers Not rated yet
A dream stolen from the slumberous eye,
a star falling from the enormous sky.
Petals segregated from the wilted blossom,
cruel winds shedding leaves …
Rendezvous With The Sea Not rated yet
Right across the rocky street,
my eyes encounter a visual treat -
A territory marked by thickly laden tree,
swaying merrily with the soothing breeze. …
The Question to Remain... Not rated yet
Those words that never would be written, Those eyes that never would be smitten... The love that never would be told, The magic that never would unfold... …
Strings Not rated yet
This is the girl of your dreams.
Watch her little broken body on the floor.
Watch her rise
And move, as she dances her dance.
The dance they make her …
Word Thief Not rated yet
You cannot be a smith with words,
You cannot mould them into arrowheads as the iron master does,
Or set them ablaze to spew fire like the warrior,
To …
Set Me Free Not rated yet
Set me free,to enter this world.
Let me feel,how it feels to be born.
Set me free,to fly like a free bird.
To experience every little joys surrounding …
Endless Love Not rated yet
My love has found expression in countless forms,
countless flames of candle…
My dreams have grown as a flower in shade of your hand,
Through the veins …
Seeing Them Fly! Not rated yet
Sitting by the window
I got a Thought
Life of a bird
is so much Sought.
Early in the morning
There’s sky to Enjoy,
No alarm rings
To make them …
After Sleep Not rated yet
Uncountable silver arrows
came and pricked my thoughts
as i meditated in a greenish
hued land surrounded by
splashes of water from a
stream flowing …
It Makes Me Smile Not rated yet
It makes me smile to watch
the zillion hues of blossoms
adorning the once bare arms of trees
It makes me smile to see
warm golden sunshine
casting …
Nature Not rated yet
The enormous starlit sky was divided-
As it was marred by a dark strip of cloud-figure,
Suddenly,the heat of stars was receded-
The cloud appeared like …
The Backyard Not rated yet
in the backyard
of my meditation room
I began quivering
in the lap of midnight
before the break of dawn
I was caught unawares
by a …
The Amorphous Blue Sky Not rated yet
The old man
sat in the middle of park
Laying before him
his spectacles, prayer book, coins
Towards his right
sprang up the thin-legged child, semi-nude …
It's Time to Go! Not rated yet
I prefer the word enigma
but that’s not what people use,
they prefer the words defect or problem
when they describe me and my blues.
It’s true they …
Darkness Not rated yet
I don't wish to see the light of tomorrow
only to be in the dark of today
hiding in my shrouded burrow
where I should want to forever lay.
Blanketed …
The Lady and Her Soft Skills Not rated yet
She is beautiful and elegant
She seems to be an angel, a saint
Qualified with triple master’s degree
She is like the Shelly's skylark carefree
She …
Soulmate Not rated yet
You saw me..
The first eye contact
Did the act..
You were hilarious,
I was notorious..
Good you asked me out
and I said yes without a second doubt.. …
A Simile-ful Scenario Not rated yet
I was having some fun with similes, when I realized it could be potentially turned into a poem. Just a light-hearted poem; an attempt to include as many …
Traitor Not rated yet
If you think that I am your traitor
Then accept my silence forever –
There is no need to speak.
Once upon a time, my lips were eager
To utter accents …
Souvenir Not rated yet
It was many years ago
That I walked on a road
Which snaked through the mountains
With my companion, a Walkman.
It was not a barren world –
The hillside …
Rambling about Happiness and another Poem Not rated yet
1) Rambling about Happiness
A little happiness every day
Is what I look for,
When I open a book or …
The Conversation That Never Ended Not rated yet
I looked at the stars with sombre silence; they chuckled at me by shining brighter.
The rage in my eyes, queried the why and what of their demeanour. …
Come Back, Come Back Down, Oh Mother! Not rated yet
Rain came that day, the day you left.
Those drops of water-Raindrops resembling pearls
Dripping from your breast-Images of distress
Shaking …
Viraat - The Warrior Woman Not rated yet
30 years of her glorious regime
We have been part of her victory rhyme
She has now sailed into her retiring chime
A warrior woman, serving her country …
Signboard Binds Not rated yet
From the mountains, the wanderer bird
tracked her route towards the lands,
perched herself upon the corner of a concrete pavement
in the humdrum …
Signs Unbind Not rated yet
The majestic bird from the summit of the hill,
strives to click her gaze towards the unseen.
She then, balances herself upon the slippery branch …
Carnival of Rust Not rated yet
Is it the Carnival of Rust?
Or the celebration of broken trust
Has the Wheel of Fortune still turning
Or the scheduled rounds are concluded
Is …
It's Your Fault Not rated yet
No, you shouldn’t laugh out loud,
A woman must act demure.
No, you mustn’t travel,
For a woman must mind the house.
No, you can’t go ‘Choose’, …
Omega and Alpha Not rated yet
Sparkling light sears into me
I am alone in this labyrinthine
I walk with my shadow in this hollowness
Would you slay me? Heal my scars?
Your soul …
My Lost Selfhood Not rated yet
I were busy in thinking
over the cozy chair.
I found
my inner soul missing
in intoxicating air.
the dense darkness
of fog arose. …
Alone Not rated yet
I was at the bottom of a dark sea,
I couldn't see anything.
I couldn't hear anything.
The vast, gloomy black space frightened me.
I was like a bird …
Travel Not rated yet
Sometimes I think of the day we must get separate
It is not a lie, but true, and it comes soon or late
My words are not heard by you that day
I …
Guardian Spirit Not rated yet
Like the crystal, inviolate stream
the radiance of spring
unspoilt heavens in infancy
Thy presence is tranquil,
mysterious stillness.
Rekindle Not rated yet
When in my dryness, drought
maya of mind blurs,
make me cross over
to a golden halt.
Like the overcast clouds,
pierce me with Your mighty …
Song Of Life Not rated yet
Only once do we sing this song of life
Let it be a melody to hum with pride
Much to do and much to learn
Time flies so lets be on the run
Step …
So what If I am Not So Rich Not rated yet
Still as a dives than plutus psychically
That no one has cliché
Of being what they are eternally
So what if I’m so…
You do or not but I won’t endow… …
Humanity First Not rated yet
As born got worn caste’s clothe
However it was dawn still enough mourn
People says only then I got born
As grown clasped religion’s faith
This was …
The God Himself Not rated yet
The God Himself who saves us life be breath, temple distant but the echoing bells reach like celestial dance, in trance one must be, every morning hour …
Thou are Vouched Not rated yet
When the zigzag traffic of mind
explodes like an overfilled balloon
When the convulsions of heart
The debilitating body reverses its shrinking …
Love is a Wave Not rated yet
Love is a wave,
arising from the unseen to the seen,
transmitting ripples.
Cleansing, rousing
bodies to their inner quest.
Then begins in …
Until Then Not rated yet
The madness will pass
And my infatuation with you will dwindle …
Inside a Seed Not rated yet
inside a seed
is all the universe
inside this universe
is a murmur
inside this murmur is a breath
inside this breath
is life
inside this life …
Expressions and Another Poem Not rated yet
Our faces leave no expression
Of love of hate
Of joy or sorrow
Of chances missed
And opportunities lost
Of smiles
And cheer …
Wake Up India Not rated yet
Wake up India, its the Ultimate Call,
Wake up to Terrorism,
Wake up to Climate Change,
Stop cutting trees and burning waste,
As our …
498/A Not rated yet
How the delirious passion sublimed
How the dreams vanished
How the spicy couple diffused
How the enviable relation changed
The endless waiting …
Trauma Not rated yet
Those who were once with me,
Are not now to share the twilight,
The songs of autumn and smell of harvest,
And gentle walk by the riverside,
When childhood …
For the Love of My Bird Not rated yet
It came in to my lap from the rays of the morning sun,
And it grew with wings spread in cage,
Awaiting for the freedom which ultimately never came,
Silent Mind Not rated yet
I heard your thoughts
the first time
When your words,
Came to life in me
and your grief matted into
a hopeful smile
I heard your thoughts the second …
Leaving Me.. Not rated yet
I can't imagine the thought of you leaving me ...
I can't dream of the day you would leave me ...
I would never wanna see you feel sad for not being …
No Stopping Not rated yet
the air is filled with
both rhythm and scent,
so ecstatic,
the one that is nurtured out of misery,
or of only thoughts
could not stop …
Peripeteia Not rated yet
He assured himself that the cockcrow
will overhaul his ill-starred existence,
fostering into his cripled destiny a
troth of affluence.
But squidging …
Freedom Not rated yet
Rise all my countrymen
Let's awaken the fire within
Mother Bharat is battered and stained
Darkness engulfs her soul, her beauty stained
O children …
Metamorphosis Not rated yet
On a rainy day in the foggy way,
Middle of the road was a creamy bud,
Safe thought the creepy worm inside,
Seldom has it knew the outer world;
Its …
The Three Musketeers’ Not rated yet
The three musketeers’
My twin brats
And their doting dad
Playing pranks
All day long
On unsuspecting Mom
On being caught
Sheepish grins
Grace three …
Daai Maa Not rated yet
It was raining when she entered and immediately felt the brine bite her tongue. The room swirled as she tip-toed about trying to avoid stepping on …
Empty Words Not rated yet
Always think of the positive side,
No matter how strong the tide
Something will surely work out,
There can never, forever be a drought.
Empty words …
Girl on the Street Not rated yet
An impish grin
Sparkling eyes
Out of place
With her
Matted brown hair
And tattered clothes
Her bare feet dance
Without a care
For scorching heat …
Rebirth is not a cure Not rated yet
I inhale distress
and choke on the remains
of pain
hanging to the tonsils
from reasons long forgotten.
disappointments, …
Colours Talk Not rated yet
He was white from within, yet wore red when he saw one
She was yellow from within, yet decided to stay still
He wanted a new thrill, so he changed at …
Let the warrior rise Not rated yet
Still he peeps from inside
through the rags that torn out,
while abiding to survive
but worn as an attire
of great dignity, which
satirizes one’s …
Off With It Not rated yet
So I conjure it up. I discovered that I make it up.
In my head, as the demons take me over I realize this face was wrong, and it was me;
I drew it …
Mother's Cry Not rated yet
Alarmed eyes, dreary
Tears roll down incessant…
Torn and trashed,
Deformed mouth droned interminably...
A little butterfly,
Fractured feathers, …
Unfair-y Tale Not rated yet
Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty
How you have made me pine for beauty
Beauty – the prized possession
That dazzles the eye
And wins the heart …
Original Sin Not rated yet
Unaware of the obscure feelings
Standing still, watching the scraping ceilings
Pleasures of life, all so cryptic
Trembled by the visions, so apocalyptic. …
Lake Trail Not rated yet
From my thoughts snugged
in the soft cushions of my velvet sofa
the thin mist of February
lingering through the coffee,
a sip of it thrown on the …
The Wait Not rated yet
After the night’s sojourn,
The dew-soaked ground awaits...
The sun passes by
Cloud-veiled and mellowed.
Of all things, the nooks and crevices …
CHIMERA Not rated yet
It is quite a state
when Life is at war with you.
Illusions, masks, fantasies
All echo the meaningless ambitions of
short lived memories. …
Let me flow Not rated yet
Don't stop me and store me
To become a dam and wait is not what I want
To open the lock when needed is not what I want
Let me flow, let me be me
WHY? Not rated yet
YOU brought me into this world
Full of promises and dreams
Of lovely sunrises, blooming flowers
Of growing tall and growing strong
YOU made me …
The Disrobing Not rated yet
After spending the day with the world
I return home
–In my room, the mirror spills the secrets in my face
The whirring fan weeds out the need …
She, Herself Not rated yet
She was herself,
Her metallic nerve was holding her
in bereavement
She was fortitude in her being forlorn,
not storm-tossed, vanquished.
She was …
The Lake’s banks Not rated yet
From the banks of the lake,
The boat was ready for the ride of the wayfarers.
An agile, impetuous, innocuous child
locked up with his opposite
frail, …
Nature and its Magic Not rated yet
The dew drop shining from a leaf
The birds flying above the trees
The cool winds and the rising sun
Such sights make me wonder
and thankful for …
The Knot Not rated yet
Nine years is a long time
Together but still apart
Separated by distance
Tied through the heart
Waiting for this one day
When time will be ours
Lonely Not rated yet
Lonely is a bunch of hair
Twirled around the forefinger
Round and round,
Tighter and tighter...
Lonely is a thumb
Playing with the fingers
One …
In the Name of Fake Smiles Not rated yet
We always end up in the roles we never wanted to play,
But take them up,to witness some smiles often mistaken to be happiness;
The roles which don't …
Woods Not rated yet
Into what abyss
did I fall?
That a dim, dark pall
Now me enshrouds.
And all that I see,
And all that I feel
Are numb shadows
And layers of despondent …
Talking to Trees Not rated yet
As I often feel unruffled
I come to you.
When one cannot hug trees
With closed eyes;
And feel warm.
Cannot hear the slime running through them; …
Brownies Not rated yet
I was at my desk
Deep in thought
Over the work at hand
It hopped on the window sill
I looked at it with distracted attention
The shrill cry of the …
Gone! Not rated yet
When the spirit receives the message
From the maker
To appear and answer...
Alas,why did it not think of this before?
And lead …
Death Not rated yet
Listening to the silent whispers of nature
Rhythm of heart began to seep;
Dying in the heat of sorrow
Pointless thoughts began to beep.
The presence …
On Death Not rated yet
To be dead
To have passed the intermission
To have left behind this meaningless life
to have finally made the transition
Free from this transitory …
Pati's Face Not rated yet
It looks like yestermorn
That I sat by the kitchen door
Avidly following the stories
Of Rama,Bhima,Krishna,Arjuna
Reeled out while she went about …
When I become the Ocean Not rated yet
Gazing at the bedimmed stars,
Staring at nothing but skylight,
I float.
Like an uprooted tree,
Without any myth to hold on to,
I float.
Droplets …
Myth Making Not rated yet
Everything shall pass they say;
For those that don’t,
A world is yet to be born.
Because some things are like those little lice;
Too fond of skin, …
St. Valentines Day Not rated yet
I heard the words hidden in your head
Wrapped in the opalescent layers of violet vows
Don't say it loud, they might soon disappear
Midst the darkness …
Insolence Not rated yet
Long insolent memories hesitated to leave
So I left them, quietly near river rouge
Wrapped in a black velvet wedding frock
Clothed in the promises that …
The Heart Not rated yet
There once was a boy
who stole my heart
And then he broke it open
Like a walnut
He ate the flesh
And threw the shell
And my heart-once-upon-a-time …
Body Not rated yet
a dance in the rain
spoke unending stories of
Freed from the confines
of the bare, white walls,
the body
swirled in the waters
of …
Plea For Mercy Not rated yet
Oh God the mercyful I beg for your mercy
I claim no relationship except of being your slave
With folded hands I plead for your pity
Oh God the merciful …
Nuclear winter? Not rated yet
“Spring has come"
Sang the cuckoo
The wind morose-
Clouds sullen,
In tones joyous.
“Yes, it’s spring,
So fine! Lovely! …
Who is to Blame? Not rated yet
I see the girls of my age
Going to school merrily;
Some with little ponytails,
Some others with neatly cut short hairs.
But, all of them are in …
Our Mayflower Tree Not rated yet
Like a flash of light
It blinded my eyes
With its blaze of red
Like the glow of women in love
Passionate to the core
Three Sonnets Not rated yet
Little feet –
On white paper,
Dad folded the sketch,
Slided into his right pocket.
Happiness cuts loose,
Never ending wait for his …
The Touch-me-not Not rated yet
When life began on this earth;
And little nebulae took their form;
Some were very weak,
And some became very strong.
The moon and the stars;
Brightened …
Ritual Not rated yet
My granny crossed the ritual of death
today, a long awaited, comatose death,
not a spitting, shitting, urinating on the bed,
coughing, aching, unwilling …
Lines to My Son Not rated yet
Oh Snow White’s Prince! Your tender hands
are smothered to carry me off the lanes of life;
you awaken my world-weary heart
to musingly jingle the jingle …
Sonnets Six Not rated yet
I told you that
I could recognize you
by the smell of your clothes
from amid a pile ;
and that
I could close my eyes
just smell your
Dear Mr.2014 Not rated yet
Walk Straight in
Dear Mr.2014
Only if you can usher in
The magic spell of love. . . .
Love that turns not into hate
Clawing at religions,destroying …
By Raining Not rated yet
Eons have passed
Landscapes have changed
But the nascent smell of the rain
Sinking into the earth has not changed.
How many feelings
Shall it …
Why? Not rated yet
Days pass by
and I sometimes
Why do we do
certain things?
Helping an old man
to cross the street
and helping a child
who has lost …
Tongue Not rated yet
the monotony
of the usual curries
made her lie still
lie still under the canopy
of a red sky
and white stars
the aroma
of a fried fish
A Sleepless Night Not rated yet
She kept awake
whole night long,
her eyelids
refused to bow
and a thought
round and round.
Seconds, minutes
and hours gone, …
Journey Not rated yet
The rain was pouring itself down.
Raindrops lashed her soft cheeks
Still she was walking down the lane
Alone, unperturbed .
She was contemplating …
The Reverie Not rated yet
The sky stooped to conquer the distant foliage
The wind blowing was chilly but dry
All of a sudden went awry
I was missing your sunshine,those mystic …
That Night Not rated yet
It was that one night that I still cannot forget
My head got lighter and I felt so different
In my same old car driving on same old street
Same …
Misunderstanding Not rated yet
Dark clouds of depression
loomed in her mind,
followed by long sighs,
accompanied by sobs.
Few minutes later,
came a heavy downpour
of salty …
Anti-revolutionary Not rated yet
Day after day I walk out with a thought,
A thought that what if today would be the day,
That I will walk free in an envisioned Utopia,
Not terrorized …
Lights and shadows Not rated yet
Lights and Shadows
Fiery and bright
Dark and cold
All over the world
Lights and Shadows
A play of hearts
Through many windows
People …
Adieu, I said Not rated yet
Adieu, I said
to the soggy eyes and to the tears never wiped,
cleaning the area for imagining wide,
I have a vision, all I need is time. …
Demo(no)cracy Not rated yet
O! Judgment, don’t judge me fair.
When I talk, don’t stop but stare.
Thrash me hard. Don’t appreciate.
For I speak the truth, the truth that’s bare. …
The Past Not rated yet
Sitting by the window lonesome
It flutters through the breeze
Rustling the leaves of memories
And treading on forgotten paths.
It has defined who …
Song of Divine Not rated yet
The door swung open
with a babble of bells.
There stood thee with
Silk woven.
With a pleasure of all its smile,
Pours out …
Mom as My Forever Guest Not rated yet
I woke up as the sorrow sunbeam
Bath me, as I know she may leave.
I saw my shelves empty with spiders to gleam.
I stood still, sighing, …
This Life is Just Not rated yet
This life is just
An ever heard song before.
Have to sing, whether
Your voice matches
Or not anymore.
Being, in the song,
You may get it ever.
Mirrors of Life Not rated yet
As I look at my mirror
I felt so many errors.
Deep in minds, I see myself
As I stand in front, it sees me herself.
No mind know me, anyhow, I sighs …
The Lonesome Tree Not rated yet
My deep root holds me down.
My tall trunk holds me high.
I watch as my fruits drawn
I can do nothing but sigh.
Service always saves Not rated yet
It could be a human…..
Or an animal,
Who creates a life
A life of glory!!
It’s the glorious faith,
But not an earning
Of a mankind…….
Friendship Not rated yet
It’s a stone,
Too hard for a man,
Will never breaks……
No end …..Its long ……..too long
Never ending line!
It’s a real man
Who is …
Midnight Sight Not rated yet
In the mid of a gloomy night
I stood at the window watching the groovy sight
Sensed the calm breeze all over my face …
When I took the Wrong Path Not rated yet
With the gentle breeze swishing around
Walking on the the paved road
I halted to a point
Because further the road now divides in two
I stood still …
Rememberance Not rated yet
It feels so different,it feels so blue,
when someone somewhere is thinking of you.
It feels so different,it feels so blue,
when someone …
Happy Birthday Daddy! Not rated yet
You have turned a year old,
gained greys on your mane,the wrinkles and lines…
few freckles defined…
the stories of your life retold..!
You have …
Trust Me, My Dear Not rated yet
Remorse and guilt fills my heart…
Of the truth which my lips quivered to part…
Yet, hesitantly answered in the negative when asked…
The stinging tears …
Renovation Not rated yet
Dear, he asks, what color on the wall
Blue here, green on that one
I think this will go well, what do you think
Clasped hands, picking and choosing …
Let Me and Another Poem Not rated yet
1) Let Me Dream
Let me dream
Let me desire,
Let me be the one I always wanted to be.
Let me fly,
Let me fall,
Let me be the one I …
Face of the Year-Part 3 Not rated yet
Back to Part 2
Face of the year - Part 3
She was waiting in their bedroom.
Wearing a satin wraparound.
That came off easily.
He did not …
Face of the Year-Part 2 Not rated yet
Back to Face of the Year Part I
Part 2
He was looking for something new.
The old faces were not selling products.
Tight curls;straight …
Face of the Year Not rated yet
One eye was green, the other brown.
Cobweb wisps of hair floated down to her ears.
The two halves of the face seemed to belong to
different …