by Meenakshi Varier
A forlorn chair sat in the veranda of my ancestral home
It belonged to a great man with big black beard, who lived forever to roam
He wore a thick green belt and some shabby shirts
And his presence, he never tried to assert
He pondered deep into the endless night
When the seamless sky held a distant star in sight
His insightful thoughts escaped unbridled into papers
For somewhere he knew that it would be safer
He never shared them with his sons, daughter or mother
He had them reserved for a treat which was another
Now destiny will play the villain when circumstances would be in favour
Little did his beloved know they had a lot less time to savour
He resorted to the sole companionship of the intoxicating drink
It gave him intentions, ruinous, of which he was on the brink
He had had enough of this lifetime , said the ponderer
It was almost time to awaken the eternal wanderer
He had contemplated the act quite long in advance
And was always just waiting for the right chance
No body knew his soul so well as the chair did
His sorrows, worries and pain, hide, very well it did
He never heeded the forewarnings from the divine
He fell more and more prey to his wine
And then one day, before anyone knew, he left for the heavenly abode
No one but his chair, had any forebode
Today, the chair still stands rickety
But without its master, who had sought out in the end, his liberty
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