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Health Articles

We provide here highly useful health articles under the title "Health Articles"  about Health and Fitness for the benefit of our readers. These are contributed by our team member Dr. Eva Bell, a medical doctor.

Focusing on the Positive during Pandemic

The Covid 19 pandemic that is racing across the world mercilessly slaughtering mankind, has settled like a pervasive cloud of doom on human beings. TV, newspapers and social media relentlessly feature distressing news and pictures of death and devastation.  Read the full article.

Hypochondria :  An article about What is Hypochondria and its Causes and Cures. Hypochondria . If you want to learn more about it, check out this Book - Hypochondria Can Kill: A Disease for Every Occasion, an Illness for Every Symptom

The Food-Mood Connection : Do you want to know how the food that we eat affect our mood? Read this article.  The Food-Mood Connection .

Watch Your Weight : Read this article to know how to manage your weight. Watch Your Weight .  

Sleeplessness: Are you struggling to sleep? Read this article about lack of sleep or sleeplessness. Are You Sleep Deprived? Ways to Conquer Insomnia . 

Menopause: Dr. Eva Bell explains about Menopause and how to deal with it.   Read Menopause - A New Beginning.  

Osteoporosis and Brittle Bones: Dr,Eva Bell writes what is Osteoporosis and how it affects us and what can be done for preventing it. Read this Osteoporosis and Brittle Bones.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Read the article and learn more about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome .

Pre-menstrual syndrome: Learn about Pre-menstural Syndrome (PMS)

Surviving Depression: Learn how to survive Depression, by reading this article Surviving Depression  

Women and Smoking: Find out more by reading this article written  by a medical doctor. Women and Smoking

Infertility - The Empty Womb

Halitosis - Bad Breath

Are you a Compulsive Buyer?

Are you a Pill-popper?

Anorexia Nervosa
Understanding Headaches


Health benefits of Moringa oleifera 

Health Benefits of Makhana