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My Best Friend

by Geetika Sodhi Lohan
(Ghaziabad, India)

Even from a distance I can hear you cry,
I feel your pain and I wonder why?

Why cant I be with you like before
Why cant I listen to you any more

Remember we may be miles apart
I will love you from the bottom of my heart

I know you are sad and so I write
These words to give you a guiding light

Not even once should you think I am away
At the blink of an eye i'll be there to stay

Stay by your side in an invisible disguise
And take you where the happiness lies

I know you are smiling through your tears
When we were together missing those years

But nothing has differed even now
I am by your side with a vow

The distances between us may be miles
I will keep sending you love and smiles…


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