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'Relations' and other Poems

by Dr Ramandeep Saini
(Mohali, India)

1. Relations

Relations, they are delicate like thread;
They should not break at all we dread,
Once a breach, takes effort to mend;
Hearts broken, are happy they pretend,
Have patience and preserve this wealth;
Slowly with care improve their health,
They are the essence of life beautiful;
It is with them that we feel wonderful,
Each needs to contribute to build them;
Give and take is the spirit at the helm,
More they are, more is the happiness;
While giving rise to feeling of kindness.

2. Love

Selfless, pious, unconditional and blind,
Is that what love is, please remind!

Spirits are high with happiness all around,
Crazy, messy with feet not on ground;
Living for other, lost in thoughts all new,
No one knows what is in store in lieu;
Still love traps, does not let you free,
A feeling which puts you on a spree;
Day and night in the name of beloved,
Nothing mine and giving off all is sacred;
Heer Ranjha, Romieo Juliet proved their love,
Is that what all lovers need to become;
Such a complex feeling and mystic it is,
But one should surely experience this bliss;

Selfless, pious, unconditional and blind,
Is that what love is, please remind!

3. Life

Life is a mystery not understood and untold;
No one has explained the puzzle behold,
We, the puppets keep dancing and behaving;
That One Force is the centre and leading,
Souls come and go and the wheel rotates;
So many stories start n finish along with fates,
We fall prey to its temptations, get trapped;
Forget that all will go from where it started,
Let us take it happily and make it worth;
Rather than spending in hatred and dearth,
Use it for welfare of mankind and humanity;
And thank Him for bestowing us with sanity.

4. Technology

It changed the people and lives beyond belief
Helps you in joy, anger and moment of grief;
No one would have ever thought it will happen,
But look! it is used as a tool as well as a weapon;
Life has become easy but is mankind the same,
People still confused will it lead to agony and shame;
Automation at its peak and machines everywhere,
Making skills and jobs altogether a different dare;
No need to pack and travel for visits and meetings,
Sitting on couch, chat, laugh and send greetings;
Ordering and getting your things at doorstep is fun,

Amazon, Flipkart, Alibaba the network is well spun;
Sophia, the robot is the celebrity for we the humans,
What if she develops emotions, just think deeper;
It has opened mysteries of space and nature for us,
Music, art, dance, theatre use it and create chorus;
Person lives long and healthy thanks to innovations,
But Ebola, SARS, Corona are tough to handle creations;
AI a boon or a bane is still being thought and debated,
Mankind is not a slave, this fact has to be created;
Lets pledge to use it for welfare and ease of human,
To stop the abuse of technology should be the acumen.


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Dec 16, 2020
Beautiful articulation
by: Ramandeep Sidhu

Beautifully articulated and written. Reflects all the shades of relationships and love. Never stop writing

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