The Unspoken Words of Silence...
by Shruti S
(Puducherry, India)
Like the spark of fire, lurking in the chest of the sea…
Deep was the desire, buried within the fathoms of me…
Lost in existence, until unearthed by the glimpse of thee…
Smiling radiantly, unfolding the bliss of life, which I then could see...
The heart, stoically that stood through chill and burn…
The heart, in life that many a lesson did learn…
The heart, that for true happiness did wistfully yearn…
Instantly wished for, your peerless love, which in vain it could spurn…
What was that in you, which shattered the silence, leaving no clue...
To the unshed tears blurring my view, to the unsung tunes singing anew...
Knowing not what to do, I lifted my eyes through the window, to look at you…
Disclosing my desire, as our eyes met - May this beautiful dream become true…
(This poem, I dedicate to the "special someone" of my life.)