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The Dove of letting go

by Geetika Sodhi
(Ghaziabad, India)

And just before I let go
The last speck of love
I carefully folded it
Tagged it to a dove

I closed my eyes
Remembered all your lies
Then I remembered of what I thought
About who you were
That you were not

I turned to your version In my mind
That was filled with love and was kind
One last time I hugged it again
Thanked it for giving me laughter in pain
Then I Thanked for years of abuse and hell
Thanked for the truth you didn’t tell

And slowly then I lifted my lashes
I smiled in the tears let go the flashes
And that’s how I ended
the war within me
I let you go
I set myself free

Hope your life and life of your own
Will now be in peace and fully grown
Hope years of breaking me
Saved your zone
Hope you would, never, be left alone

False hopes raising flames
No bravery only blames
Innocence left, to be stripped
Helpless wailing blood dripped

A true Love turned to ruins and ashes
And slowly then I lifted my lashes
I smiled in the tears
Let go the flashes

And that’s how I ended
The war within me
I let you go
I set myself free. #geet


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Jun 03, 2024
by: Manisha

I m a fan of ur writing. Keep writing more n more essence of feelings through ur thoughts.

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