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Our Nature

by Aarti Sriram

When I was small I wished I grew up soon
When I was young I wished I had talent and boon
When I was working I wished I always was super skilled
But took time to remain in awe of nature when I retired
How the skies and stars and sun and moon so vibrant and shiny
Plethora of creatures, flowers fruits so colourful enriching and dainty
With the mountains so so tall and the waterfalls so mystic and impressive
Rain forests so fertile and caves and age old standing trees shady n protective
God made brilliant men women n kin and gave the above and more to all for free
But we seem to cut and divide and own and make unending monies claiming its all for ME
How I wished we were grateful and never talented skilled or grew insecure for we cannot
Create even a seed water or an ecosystem that nourishes 1& all & never extinct or rot.


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