Questions So
by NuggehalliPankaja
(Bangalore, India)

“Did I hear you rant
And storm out
Cursing the report, Mom!
My very dear Mom?
If so, why so, Mom?
Did I hear you
Tell Dad outright
That you have no time
To waste
over a girl—a mere girl!
Dear Mom?
If so, why so, Mom?
“My womb, it’s meant only for boys!”
Hear I that wail still
Tearing apart,
The serene tranquil
Folds of nest cosy
Formed by you…….
Precious security rent,
Shuddered I with fright,
At what may be befall……..
Tell me, where would you be,
If your Mom had thought likewise?
If your grandmother, if all the
Great great grandmothers
Had emptied their wombs
As you are planning to do,
Without REMORSE?
Murder not my future,
Erase not my morrows
Ere they dawn!
Snip not my genes,
Wreaths of your genes,
My very own Mom!
Bemoans the foetus
Questioning—“Tell me,
Tell me what my fault
To throw me so
Out of your womb-
My rightful place
As yours was
In Your Mother’s . . .
Note from the Author: Present day apathy towards birth of girls and the steps taken to murder the fetus prompted me to pen this poem.