by Shreesham Pandey
(Pratapgarh, Uttar Pradesh, India)
The canoeist that sails to save his life and to master the incubus maneuvers
One has seen, been in a surface blown,
a dream that casts its canoeist
to the farthest channel, so beautiful!,
the window that stretches to the horizon.
One who has dined with the gazing stars,
until the sojourn stay ends, had never trained
to fake the process of dreaming and capering
each bit of life that has been at par.
One whose reign that hides countless treasures
and whose breaths parade to show the hard sails
and stop looking at the sand and tides,
and say goodbye to the wailing, and bow to the master.
That one maneuvers and moves the tormenting gambits and hails his highs.
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