The Hamster Wheel
by Shraddha Satyapal
(Melbourne, Australia)
The leaves rustle...
Gentle breeze tickle my face,
Flowers paint a mystical scene,
The birds chime now and then
Nature weaves music in colours!
Life beckons you into the wild,
Away from the brick and mortar;
Into the green and lavender hues,
Away from the Hamster wheel.
In the ways of the wild
Where they live each day as new,
Where the unpredictable is the way of life,
Where I will really live a life anew.
No roof over my head; no food on the table,
A fruit from here and a big tree for shade,
I can feel the dewdrops from the tender leaves on my eye.
I lie below the big green sky
On blue moss and slippery stones
And watch a little brook gurgle by.
Suddenly the clock chimes,
I wake up to the chirping birds.. on my mobile!!
I wish I could dream of the wild some more…
Here in this world I do need a roof and some food on the table
Back on the Hamster wheel, I go.