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My First Jog - Getting Active

by Zenia Bhattacharya
(Kolkata, India)

I used to slouch on my couch, wasting lazy days away,
I was a ‘couch potato’ they said .

But then my brother pushed me to go
for a jog, to be active and get fit.
I thought it was a good idea and so I did.

Oh ! My first day ?
It was gruesome, my head ached, sweat was dripping down my forehead, my heart pounded and after a mile, my legs gave way. I felt all heartbroken and embarrassed at this phase.

The second time I went, I handled the heat and sweat with a brave face , but I still felt like I’d puke , and that my life was at stake.

The third time I went, my legs felt stronger ,my heart beat quick and the notion of puking started to fade away .

Then I saw the bright side of it all, I could stay fit this way and so I motivated myself to not give up and keep going anyways.

Days went by and days turned into weeks.

It’s been two months ever since my first jog,
And I won’t deny I’ve made progress.
Now I run 5 miles everyday, no matter the heat , no matter the rain, no matter if my legs pain.
I smile through the grind, because I would just keep getting stronger this way.


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