World through your eyes...
by Asha Jha
(Tampa, Florida, USA)
For once or for ever
I want this time to pass never...
for it has come after ages of desire
like the cold turns away at the sight of fire...
I see you my angel..through my heart...not the eyes...
in which ..if i could..i would behold all the skies,
I could feel and i know..
with all the love to bestow..
as i hold you in my arms....
is there anything else around...
oh! who cares if i have you.
You know...your little fingers could hold me tight...
and your sleepy smile gives me the peace...
to survive every momemnt of pain and fright.
The only wish now that i have...
is to live with and for you.
to feel and know how the time flies...
and to see my angel the world through your eyes.