by Bhumika Tewari
(Kolkata, West Bengal, India)
The hope that rose each day ,
For the betterment and success everyday ,
The expectations that burdened,
The excitement that enlightened,
But the hope couldn’t hold itself ,
The life kept teaching,
Engaging into the competition of world,
But mind being pressurised,
Be regular , not unique
Follow world not the heart ,
Quotes are just an altered life,
The mind kept saying ,
But the heart never left it’s support,
Said to follow and build destiny,
The unique path that even universe admires ,
Hope try and stood ,
But the world never let it win ,
The hope further drowned each moment ,
Never leaving the fight unturned,
Masking the emotions ,
Still the world influenced and practised superiority,
The hope left the world drowning,
Trying to return and defeat the champions ,
Letting the hope win for once.