The Photograph
by Varsha Purohit
After a long time Grandma entered that room. Apparently, it was being ignored as many memories were associated with her life. She slowly entered the room holding a lantern since it didn't have any lights. Slowly, her legs moved forward and her eyes searched for something she desperately wanted to see. She was moving, holding back her excitement and suddenly a trunk came in her way. She fell down and screamed. Her grand daughter Ishika came running.
"Dadi, what happened?" asked the little one. "Are you okay? come let me help you" she said.
"Thanks beta for coming" she said. "What are you doing here dadi?" Ishika was curious since she came to the room for the first time and as a child she wanted to explore everything around there.
"Ishu, come here I want to show you a surprise" Grandma's eyes were wide open.
She slowly pulled a photo frame that was dusty and hiding behind a safe since years. She used a cloth to dust off the dirt and brought the lantern near the photograph.
"Woww, dadi who is that" Ishika exclaimed.
"Ishika, today I want to tell you all about it" Grandma said.
Long long ago, there lived an ambitious girl. She wanted to have a glamour picture that would impress the Bollywood directors and she could be one of those actresses who would be remembered for years and years. So, she was roaming in Mumbai with the hope to find the best fashion photographer who would help her to get to Bollywood.
In lieu of getting great pictures, she thought why not buy a fashion magazine and contact photographers like that. A rich girl like her doesn't have to worry about money. She came through 'Jublilee photography' studio just like that. They had taken pictures of famous movie actors like Asha Parekh, Madhu bala etc and she wanted to stand in the league.
So, she went to the Jubilee photographer and paid Rs. 50 for taking a glamorous picture of herself. She was given a make up session and an outfit to wear. After the picture was taken it was kept for developing the film into a 4x6 picture.
Rakesh was developing the film. He was the owner of the photo studio. When he made the 4x6 print he couldn't keep his eyes off the picture. He thought,
"She is the prettiest girl I have ever seen". He sat whole night staring at her picture. He was clearly smitten by her charm.
Next day he parked his car outside her apartment and knocked at the
door. She was brushing her hair. She opened the door and a cool breeze flowed in the doorway. Her hair started flying and clearing her charming face.
Rakesh suddenly regained his consciousness and said " Hi Mam, I am from the photography studio and came to deliver your pictures". "You mean you have them already!" she screamed with joy. After she saw her pictures she gave the fees. But Rakesh kept her staring and said "Mam there is one more request. Would you please give me an autograph on this extra large picture? So that I would be the first one to get the autograph of the would be famous Bollywood heroine" saying this he opened the big frame and showed it to her.
"Oh yea.. sure. I am flattered." She said.
"What do you want me to write?" she took the pen while asking him.
"How about writing this: To Rakesh who knows that you are going to be an actress in Bollywood.." By this time she gave a big smile to him.
"But also who in the meanwhile want to meet you everyday and be with you"
"Wait a minute!" she said. "I am running out of space"
"Okay to make it short. To Rakesh, who thinks that you are the girl of his dreams and he won't be possibly happy in this world without having you as his wife!"
Well the girl never made it to the Bollywood, so you might have never seen this photograph before. Also, you would never see it anywhere in this house.
"Who is she Grandma?" Ishika asked with curious eyes.
"Ahem... well" Grandma said.
"Is that you ... " Ishika jumped in surprise.
Grandma nodded her head. Ishika was so happy as if she found a hidden treasure in that room.
"But who was Rakesh?" she questioned.
"Well, Ishika somethings you shouldn't ask me at this age." she winked at her.

"Then in that case Dadi, do you want to have a look at this picture?" she said while hiding a picture in the back.
Grandma smiled seeing that picture. "Wow, this is just so cute. who took this picture?" she asked. Gradually she read the name "Rakesh" and she was shocked.
"This is the same Rakesh Uncle." she told her and took Grandma in the balcony where she saw Rakesh sipping a cup of tea in his garden. When Rakesh saw her with the enlarged picture, he felt like the girl came out of the picture. Then she stared at him with so many questions in her eyes.
** The End**