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A Spiritual Trip to Bhoga Nandeeswara Temple

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Recently we had a visit to Bhoga Nandeeshwara Temple, one of the oldest temples of Karnataka. It was an amazing experience. 

India is known for its rich cultural heritage.

Bhoga Nandeeshwara Temple is an ancient temple built in 9th century AD. It is located in the quaint Nandi village at the base of Nandi Hills in Bangalore, Karnataka. Nandi Hill is a popular tourist spot near Bangalore.

Bhoga Nandeeshwara Temple is one of the oldest temples of Karnataka and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Originally it was built by Rashtrakooda dynasty.

The temple was later under the patronage of several dynasties namely Ganga dynasty, Chola dynasty, Pallava dynasty, Hoyasala empire and Vijayanagara empire.

There are three temples within the complex. They are Arunachaleswara, (Lord Shiva as Linga), Uma Maheshwara (Lord Shiva with his consort Goddess Parvathi) and Bhoga Nandeeswara (Lord Shiva’s youthful face).

The shrine of Ugra Ganapathi is also there. 

In another area, snake gods are also worshipped.

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Standing inside the temple, you can see Nandi Hills at the back. Nandi Hillis, located 4850 feet above sea level, is a popular tourist destination in Karnataka.  

Main Festivals

Holy Parikrama is an important festival of the temple. It is celebrated on the last Monday in the month of Ashada which usually falls in July-August.  This is a holy walk as a ritual by the devotees circumambulating  Nandi Hills, starting from Bhoga Nandeeswara temple and reaching back on the same spot,  which covers a distance of 14 kms. The whole walk takes about 4 hours. 

Shivarathri and Deepavali are the other main festivals of the temple. 

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