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A Train Journey Experience

by Lakshmi Menon
(Bangalore, India)

Years ago, during a train journey, I happened to overhear a conversation between two male co-passengers.

Ignoring the notice “Smoking Strictly Prohibited in the Train,” a middle-aged man took out a cigarette, lit it and offered the packet to his friend who was seated beside him.

“No, thank you, I’ve stopped smoking,” The young man politely refused the offer.

“You’ve stopped smoking?……… Since when?” The middle-aged man was shocked to hear his friend's reply.

“Since the day I got married. That was the condition my wife had for agreeing to the marriage, and I accepted it." He said proudly.

“How come? I remember you were a chain smoker.”

“Yes, I was once….. But my wife made me give up this bad habit.”

The middle-aged man laughed, but the other man continued.

“My wife not only made me stop smoking, she promptly collected the cigarette money from my hand every month also, and deposited it in the Bank as a recurring deposit. She added the same amount of money from her hand too. Now after 10 years, we have a new car with that amount, I’ve better health and happiness at home.”

"Really? Are you joking?"

"Not at all," said the young man, "I'm telling you the truth. My dear friend, I suggest you too stop smoking. You can save a good amount of money and more than anything else can lead a healthy life."

The middle-aged man threw away the half-finished cigarette along with the whole packet of cigarette through the window, and gave him a smile of assurance.

Sometimes unexpected things can happen...... so unbelievably...!


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