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Technology and Indian Elections in the global context

by Ferry Bhatia
(Amritsar, India)

In the digital era, the landscape of political campaigning and electoral processes has been revolutionized by technological advancements, notably through the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and social media. The Indian elections, a mammoth exercise in democracy, have not been immune to these changes. As the largest democratic exercises in the world, the Indian elections play a critical role, not only within the nation but also as an inspiration for democratic practice globally. Technological Interference in Indian Elections The rise of AI and deepfakes represents a double-edged sword in the context of Indian elections. On one hand, AI can enhance the efficiency and reach of campaigns, allowing for targeted messaging and greater engagement with the electorate.

With over 900 million voters, the Indian electorate is becoming more and more dependent on social media for news and political information. Social media's role in political discourse has democratised the flow of information, but it has also made it easier for misinformation and fake news to proliferate. In order to prevent the manipulation of public opinion through manufactured or falsified narratives, this shift calls for strict checks and balances. In order to maintain the fairness and transparency of the democratic process, measures to stop such meddling are essential.

The importance of the Indian elections goes well beyond the country's boundaries. India, as the world's biggest democracy, is a global leader in democratic processes. Other countries, particularly those in the developing world, closely monitor the conduct and results of its elections as a mark of democratic integrity. A compelling illustration of democratic government is the well-executed handling of an election that involved millions of voters from a wide range of socioeconomic and geographic backgrounds.

Furthermore, the outcomes of Indian elections frequently have a significant impact on international relations, business choices, and alliances. The democratic process in India is a barometer of political stability and policy orientation in the area, given its strategic position in South Asia and its prominence on the international scene. Because of this, the elections are not just a national but also an important event for the global world, which monitors the strength and vitality of democratic traditions in populated and strategically important areas.

In conclusion, the interaction between technology and Indian politics underscores the advantages and disadvantages of the digital era. Other democracies can take inspiration from the proactive steps implemented to prevent technology-related electoral fraud. Furthermore, the significance of the Indian elections on a global scale highlights how intertwined democratic traditions are across the globe. It confirms the idea that an open, honest, and fair electoral process in India makes a substantial contribution to the global democratic culture, inspiring other countries to preserve and celebrate democracy.


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