Indus Woman Writing (iww) provides a well priced and effective marketing opportunity in the travel related sector, for reputable and top quality companies.
Essentially it offers a win-win-win advertising opportunity for product and service providers targeting the travel related industries.
It's win-win-win as...
With site wide branding and a dedicated review/informational page your company receives optimal exposure to the 1000 plus unique visitors (from more than 130 countries) that view every day!
So Why is Sponsoring on IWW So Powerful?'s success has come from providing high quality information on writing and travel related topics on various subjects online, since the end of 2009.
It not only receives a large volume of visitors, but it also pleases those visitors through the information it provides.
Through site sponsorship, you have the opportunity to showcase your product or service to a large volume of happy readers.
Essentially reaching them at the right time during their research and travel related strategy development process.
IWW receives over 1000 (and growing) unique visitors a day through multiple channels.
The main referrer being the Search Engines, where IWW is found for thousands of different travel related and writing related Search Queries on a monthly basis.
Other referrers are Social Media platforms (both through the website's accounts and through site visitors sharing on their personal accounts), and other websites that have recommended IWW as a source of quality travel related information site.
All the visitors (with the obvious few exceptions who stumble onto the site) are all targeted within the travel related and writing related sectors, and are looking for ideas and solutions for their problems.
So The Benefits Are?
How Does It Work?
As a sponsor of, your company or product will receive a dedicated review/informational page that will link to your company website, your products, and informational pages.
Please Note: This page will be written independent of the sponsorship, and will remain on the site regardless of the status of the sponsorship.
Then each sponsor will receive a site wide branding image (with a caption below) that links to the sponsor's review/information page, in the right hand column (RHC) of IWW. (The sponsors will be listed immediately under the sponsorship policy link in the RHC.)
This is where the real value of sponsoring IWW lies...
It's easy for a review or article to get lost or missed on a site with over 1400 (and growing) pages, but with a branded image in the Right Hand Column that page is now highlighted and brought to the attention of every visitor to IWW.
On top of that, each sponsor will receive a listing on the site sponsor page (to be created soon) that will link to each sponsor's review/informational page.
The Site Sponsors page will have a link in the Left Hand Column of every page on the site, and will essentially create another avenue of channeling traffic to the site sponsors.
Sponsoring Opportunities and Pricing: is accepting a limited amount of sponsorships on an exclusive basis within different travel and writing related products.
Your product or service has to be really excellent. will not partner with a company that does not provide a top quality product in these sectors.
To find out what the sponsorship rates are...
And to inquire about sponsoring IWW, please fill out the contact form below.
Together we can create a partnership that...
The Form will be coming soon......