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Guilt free Parenting

by Rashmi Kaushik
(New Delhi, India )

Parenting is definitely not an easy journey. First coping with the newborn, then the toddler phase and most challenging, the teenage years.

It's a journey with mixed emotions. Once the child enters our life, our world revolves around it. We forget our hobbies, interests, outings and our routine revolves around the child. If we take a short nap or make a quick visit to the parlour, a strong guilt engulfs us. What we don't realise is that once our little pearl grows up and has his own life, they will not let us encroach their space." Mom, please leave my room, I am on a call"comes a smart reply from our children when they are in their rooms, but it's ok if they enter our room without even knocking. If there is a single slice of cake, we keep it for our kids, whereas if we ask for a bite from their share we are termed greedy.

Movies with friends are a strict no no as our kids routine is disturbed whereas we wait for hours doing nothing, when we have to pick them up from a friend's birthday party.
As mothers we always feel guilty, even if we just take out time for a quick ' me time'.

Making friends are limited to mom's of kids of the same age. By the time our kids are in the age where they are independent and have their own life, our life feels empty as we did nothing but taking care of their interests and our time was only spent in their school routine, going to the park, birthday parties and ptms.

So mom's it's a good thing that we spend our time, taking care of little things of our kids but at the same time we should also focus on our needs and not be guilty if we spend time on our hobbies and interests, so that we are ' guilt free' parents.


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