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IWW-Newsletter, Issue #098 September 03, 2020 |
Hi,IWW Newsletter - Issue 98 Sept 20201. Word of Success a) "Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.” — Robin Sharma b) "I am an artist, and I have the ability and the free will to choose the way the world will envision me."—Lady Gaga 2. Editor's Note In this issue, we have introduced a new section in the newsletter titled "Success Stories." Please check item No.4 below. As usual, we had too many submissions last month too, and could not accommodate all. We have 12 new writers who joined IWW community recently, and they are - Ritika Basu, Rishika Kaushik, Uma Rani S, Pretty Maggam, Soorya S.Kumar, Ashitosh Menon, Dr. Ramlal Agarwal, Parnil Yodha, Hiranmayee Devi, Ujani Banerjee, Dr. Supatra Sen, and Avishi Gupta (If I have left out any new writer's name please bring it to my notice.) 3. New items published at IWW in August 2020. Short Stories - These stories can be read on the main page. IWW Short Stories Poems • Tempestuous• The Rising and another poem• Death a Pendency of Life• Mother• The Pearl Girl and 4 Other Poems Perspective • Consciousness: An Effort to Demystify• Age No Barrier for Friendship• Finding Research Topic• The Spectrum of Success These can be read on the main Perspective page. IWW Perspective As You Say This can be read on the main page As You Say. IWW As You Say Book Review This can be read on the main book review page. Book Reviews Travelogues These can be read on the main Travelogues page. Travelogues Turning Point The Three R’s which matter This can be read on the main Turning Point page. Turning Point IWW Youtube Channel. 4. Success Stories Being an IWW author, has it helped you in any way? If so, please send us your success story, telling us how made a difference, opened a door, helped you get some place you wanted to be. Send it to marked "Success Story" on the subject. ============================================= 5. Literature News a) JCB Prize for Literature: Women writers dominate the longlist in 2020 - b) 'The Discomfort of Evening', the debut novel written by 29-year-old Dutch author Marieke Lucas Rijneveld and translated from Dutch by Michele Hutchison, has been announced as the winner of The 2020 International Booker Prize. Rijneveld has become is the youngest author to win prestigious award. c) Jaipur Literature Festival London at the British Library to begin on Sept 11 - 6. Contests and write for payment (Copy these links, paste each one of them on your browser and check for details.) a) ANTHOLOGY POETRY PRIZE.€10 ENTRY FEE. Deadline September 30, 2020. Entries are invited from poets of all nationalities, living anywhere in the world. Poems submitted must be on the theme of ‘Expectations’ and should not exceed 40 lines. There is no limit to entries per person. The winner will receive a €500 prize and the chance to see their work published in a future issue of Anthology Magazine. b) SUNSPOT INCEPTION PRIZE . $5 ENTRY FEE. Deadline September 30, 2020. There are no restrictions on theme, category, or the length of the piece or collection from which the beginning comes. Word limit is 250 for prose, 25 words for poetry. Prize: $250 cash, publication for the winner, publication offered to runners-up and finalists. In addition to receiving the cash prize, the winner will be published. c) LORIAN HEMINGWAY SHORT STORY COMPETITION$15 ENTRY FEE. Deadline October 1, 2020. The first-place winner will receive $1,500 and publication of his or her winning story in Cutthroat: A Journal of the Arts. The second- and third-place winners will receive $500 each. Honorable mentions will also be awarded to entrants whose work demonstrates promise. Stories must be original unpublished fiction, typed and double-spaced, and may not exceed 3,500 words in length. There are no theme or genre restrictions. The literary competition is open to all U.S. and international writers whose fiction has not appeared in a nationally distributed publication with a circulation of 5,000 or more. d) STRINGYBARK STORIES CONTEST past.html A$14 ENTRY FEE. Deadline September 27, 2020. Our competitions are open to all Australian and international authors of all skill levels. Stringybark Publishing is proud to sponsor the Stringybark Times Past Award 2020. We are looking for historical fiction stories based on factual events. It could be the retelling of an event or setting the story around an event. Limit 1,500 words. First prize A$350, publication, plus other gifts. Second prize A$250, publication, and other gifts. Third prize A$125, publication, and other gifts. e) WRITER'S DIGEST PERSONAL ESSAY AWARDS$25 ENTRY FEE. Deadline September 15, 2020. Limit 2,000 words. Grand prize $2,500, publication in Writer's Digest magazine, and a paid trip to the Writer's Digest Annual Conference. Second prize receives $1,000 and publication. Third prize receives $500 and publication. Fourth through tenth prizes receive $100 and publication. f) BRIARPATCH . - Briarpatch Magazine publishes writing and artwork on a wide range of topics, including current events, grassroots activism, electoral politics, economic justice, ecology, labour, food security, gender equity, indigenous struggles, international solidarity, and other issues of political importance. We welcome pitches from unpublished writers, seasoned freelancers, front-line activists, and anyone else with a story to tell and a desire to tell it compellingly. Pays $100 – Profiles, short essays, reviews, blog posts, and parting shots (generally <1,500 words); $200 – Feature stories, photo essays (generally 1,500-2,500 words); $300 – Research-based articles and investigative reportage with extensive primary research (generally 2,500-3,000 words). =========================================================
========================================================= ------------------------------------------------------ 7. Check out these books By buying these books you are directly helping the maintenance of the iww site. a) A CHRISTMAS IN SCOTLAND - A travel memoir
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